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Despite it being a fairly large family, the Monstera only has a few variegated versions. The Monstera Aurea, for example, is one such variegated Monstera that is often sought after by indoor gardeners. 

The Aurea features the same attractive foliage as the other non-variegated Monsteras but with the addition of some fairly spectacular yellow variegations. 

Despite its difference in appearance, the Monstera Aurea care is relatively similar to that of other Monstera varieties. Keep reading to find out more so your green and gold beauty can thrive.

Monstera Aurea

What is Monstera Aurea?

The Monstera Aurea is a variegated version of the Swiss Cheese plant. It features the same stunning holy foliage, but the vivid green leaves are marbled, speckled, streaked, or striped with yellow. This variety of Monstera is considered rare since not many people have this particular type of Monstera plant.

While Monstera Aurea is what this plant is most often called, it is also known as: 

  • The yellow variegated Monstera
  • Monstera Borsigiana Aurea
  • Monstera Deliciosa Aurea, and 
  • Monstera Aurea Marmorata. 

This plant has the same leaf shape and holes or splits in its leaves like the Monstera Deliciosa does. It is also native to the tropical climates of the Central America rainforests.

The Monstera Aurea can reach heights of up to 10 to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide when grown indoors. Because of its large leaves, the plant will need some sort of support to help keep those leaves growing tall. It can also be grown in a hanging basket instead of a floor pot.

How do you take care of Monstera Aurea?

Even though the Monstera Aurea isn’t a difficult plant to grow, it does have specific growing requirements that it needs to ensure it is healthy and happy. Making sure you provide the plant with these requirements will go a long way to preventing problems for the plant.

1. Place in light, well-draining soil

Like most other tropical houseplants, the Monstera Aurea needs light, well-draining soil rich in organic matter. The ideal pH level of the soil should fall between 5 and 7.5. You can make your own potting soil for the Monstera by mixing 1 part perlite, 1 part sphagnum moss, 1 part horticultural charcoal, and 3 parts orchid bark.

If you don’t want to make your own growing medium, purchase high quality potting soil for your Monstera that’s designed for tropical houseplants. The soil shouldn’t be compact, and instead light and airy, allowing excess water to flow freely from the soil.


Best soil for Monsteras

Premium Monstera Potting Soil

Specially designed soil for your Monstera. Light and well-draining, making it perfect for avoiding root rot, while being packed with just the right nutrients to keep your plant happy.

2. Ensure the right humidity levels

Because it is native to the rainforests, the Monstera Aurea needs a higher humidity level. For best results, ensure the plant has a humidity level of 65-percent or higher. You can increase humidity for your Monstera by setting the plant on a pebble tray or by running a humidifier near it.

To make a pebble tray, simply fill a shallow tray with small pebbles and set the Monstera Aurea directly on top of the pebbles. Whenever the plant is watered, the excessive water will flow out of the pot and into the pebble tray. This water will naturally evaporate, increasing the humidity level around the Monstera plant.

3. Maintain an appropriate temperature

The Monstera Aurea is native to tropical rainforests, so it needs sunshine and warm temperatures throughout the year. If you live in USA Plant Hardiness Zones 9B to 11, Monstera can be grown outdoors. For other areas, the plant will need to be moved indoors.

The ideal indoor temperature for the Monstera Aurea is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also avoid extreme temperature fluctuations near this plant as this can cause problems as well. Examples of extreme temperature fluctuations indoors include placing the plant near a front door or another location where it will experience drafts.

4. Water when needed

Incorrect watering can cause your Monstera to decline quickly. The best way to ensure the plant is getting the right amount of water is to wait until the top two inches of soil are dry and then water.

Monstera Aurea does do well in moist soil, but too much water can result in root rot and other fungal problems. On the flip side, not providing enough water will cause dry, droopy Monstera leaves and stunted growth. That is why it is important not to overwater or underwater the plant.

Find out more: Exactly How Often to Water Your Monstera

5. Provide bright, indirect lighting

The Monstera Aurea grows best when it receives bright yet indirect light. Too much sunlight or light that is directly shining on the plant will cause the leaves to appear dull and lose their variegation. On the flip side, however, too little light will stunt the plant’s growth.

The ideal growing location for the Monstera Aurea is near an east-facing window where it can have bright, indirect light throughout the day. If you don’t have an east-facing window, another window will work. You just need to make sure the plant is out of direct sunlight to avoid your Monstera getting sunburnt.

Take a look at our article on this to make sure you’re meeting all of your Monstera’s light requirements.

6. Fertilize regularly

You can give the Monstera Aurea a boost during its active growing period by applying fertilizer once every month. Use a slow-release type of fertilizer designed for Monsteras or tropical houseplants. Apply the fertilizer to your Monstera about 6-inches away from the plant’s base.


Best fertilizer for Monsteras

Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer

A great fertilizer with the perfect balance for your Monstera. Simply dissolve in water and feed your plant to watch it thrive.

Make sure to follow the application instructions found on the fertilizer’s label, and never apply the fertilizer during the plant’s dormant season. If you would rather not use commercial fertilizer on your houseplants, consider adding organic matter to the soil instead. 

Green household waste, such as eggshells, used coffee grounds, green tea, and banana peels, can all help provide nutrients to your indoor plants without commercial fertilizers.

7. Repot occasionally

The Monstera Aurea can benefit from repotting, especially if the plant has outgrown its current container as a root bound Monstera can lead to problems for your plant. Keep in mind, however, that you should repot the plant very often, since this plant doesn’t like to be moved from its current growing container. Only repot if the plant is too small for its pot, or if there is an emergency, such as accidentally overwatering.

When you do repot your Monstera, choose a new pot that is about 2 inches larger than the old container to give the plant enough growing room. Also, make sure to always repot in fresh potting soil. Take care not to damage any roots when removing it from the old pot or planting it in the new pot.

8. Propagate if needed

Propagating a Monstera Aurea cutting involves making a new plant from it, which can be great for expanding your plant collection (or someone else’s). This can be done by cutting a 4 to 6 inch stem from the plant, making sure the cutting has some healthy leaves on it and at least one node. Place the cutting node side down into a pot filled with potting soil or you can grow your Monstera cutting in water, if you prefer.

Another benefit of propagation is that it’s a great way to help keep the size of your Monstera Aurea in check, while also increasing the amount of plants you have. The Monstera Aurea cuttings also make wonderful and thoughtful gifts that you can give to friends and family.

Find out more: How to Propagate Monstera: The Ultimate Guide

9. Prune to remove damaged leaves (or more, if you prefer)

The Monstera Aurea doesn’t require regular pruning, but you may have to remove damaged or dead leaves. Whenever you do remove leaves, make sure to always use a clean and sharp pair of pruning shears. Furthermore, any leaves that are removed should be immediately discarded and not left to sit on the top of the plant’s soil.

If you do prune the Monstera Aurea, make sure to never remove more than 1/4 of the plant’s foliage. While pruning less than that is fine and even healthy for the plant, as your Monstera will grow new leaves in time, doing more than that can stunt the plant’s growth and even threaten its life. It’s best to prune the Monstera Aurea sparingly since this plant doesn’t do well with aggressive pruning.

10. Inspect and get rid of pests

Like other tropical houseplants, the Monstera Aurea can experience pests on occasion. The good news, however, is that most of the pests you’ll find on Monstera can be dealt with fairly easily. You can even take the necessary steps to prevent them from reoccurring as well.

The most common pests you’re likely to see here are spider mites, mealy bugs and thrips on your Monstera. While these bugs are an annoyance, they typically won’t cause too much damage to the Monstera Aurea if caught early enough. If you do find these bugs on your plant, simply spray the entire plant, including the underside of the leaves, with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil.

11. Treat diseases

The most common disease that can affect your Monstera Aurea is root rot, which occurs when the plant’s roots become water logged. The best way to prevent this problem from occurring is to avoid overwatering the plant. The plant should also be grown in well-draining soil and in a pot with drainage holes at the bottom.

Once the plant has root rot, trying to save the Monstera Aurea can be rather difficult. The plant will need to be repotted with fresh soil and any dead roots will have to be removed. The best defense against rot and water-logged soil is to avoid overwatering your Monstera in the first place.

Is Monstera Aurea stable?

The Monstera Aurea is a stable variegation, which means it won’t revert back to a non-variegated form. With that said, however, if your Monstera Aurea starts to lose its variegation then it could be due to improper care. Incorrect lighting and too much water can both cause the plant to not produce those much loved variegated leaves.

Not all Monstera variegations are stable, and the Monstera Albo is the most well known non-stable Monstera variegation. This means that the plant can stop being variegated and produce only solid green leaves. Thankfully, the Monstera Aurea is stable and you can rely on it to keep its stunning variegated foliage for years to come.

Non-stable varieties can sometimes be harder to grow since various things can cause their variegations to go away. This often turns gardeners away from the plant, making it harder to obtain and more expensive. For gardeners that like a challenge, however, growing a non-stable Monstera variegation may be right up their alley.

Will Monstera Aurea revert?

Since Monstera Aurea is a stable variegation of the Monstera plant, it won’t revert. This means that the plant won’t go back to producing all green leaves, and will instead maintain its yellow variegation. With this said, however, there are things that can cause the Aurea to lose its variegation.

If you notice your Monstera Aurea leaves are starting to revert, you could have a lighting problem on your hands. The most common cause of variegation loss in a stable variety is not enough chlorophyll. Thankfully, you can correct this problem by simply providing the plant with more light.

Keep in mind, however, that once the leaf has lost its variegation there is no getting it back. This means that the leaves without variegation won’t magically become variegated again. The good news is, however, that once the problem is corrected, future leaves will have that desirable variegation.

Is Monstera Aurea rare?

Monstera Aurea is considered a rare plant since it is not as commonly grown as other Monstera varieties. Because it is not as widely available as other types of Monstera plants, the Monstera Aurea price can be a bit higher. 

This higher Monstera Aurea price can leave gardeners looking for other options for their tropical houseplant needs.

Despite it being hard to find, the Monstera Aurea isn’t actually the rarest Monstera variety available. That title goes to the Monstera Obliqua, which isn’t a variegated Monstera variety and looks similar to the Monstera Adansonii. The main difference between the two, however, is that Monstera Obliqua has foliage that looks more like a hole rather than a leaf.

Find out more about how much you’ll pay for this variety with our Monstera plant price guide.

Where can I purchase a Monstera Aurea?

If you’re looking to purchase a Monstera Aurea, check your local nurseries or garden center. Even if they do not currently have the plant in stock, these locations may be able to order the plant for you. Alternatively, try local gardening groups to see if anyone has a cutting you can purchase.

You can also utilize any houseplant cuttings you currently have to make a trade with another gardener. Let other indoor gardeners know what cuttings you have and see if they would be willing to trade one of yours for one of their Monstera Aurea cuttings. You may find someone who is willing to trade with you, which means you get a Monstera Aurea without paying the high costs.

If you’re still having trouble locating a Monstera Aurea to buy, your next step would be the internet. There are thousands of online gardening stores where you can purchase plants and have them shipped to you. Keep in mind, however, that this can often be a bit expensive, especially when you consider the cost of shipping.

Why is Monstera Aurea so expensive?

The Monstera Aurea is so expensive because this plant isn’t as readily available as other Monstera varieties. The Monstera Aurea price reflects its hard-to-obtain status. Another reason why it is so expensive is due to how challenging it is to grow, meaning some gardeners avoid growing this plant. 

The fact that some people prefer to focus their efforts on other types of Monstera means the Aurea isn’t as easy to come by as others. This, in turn, has a direct effect on the Monstera Aurea price for sale.

Where is Monstera Aurea from?

Like other varieties of the Monstera plant, the Aurea is native to the rainforests of Panama, Mexico, and other Central American countries. The Monstera genus includes over 49 plants and is a member of the arum family. The entire Monstera genus comes from Central America rainforests.

Because of its tropical growing requirements, the Monstera Aurea is almost always grown indoors. 

This means that, during warm periods, such as the summer, when temperatures are above 65-degrees, you can take the Monstera Aurea outside and set it in a protected area. It can also benefit from being placed on a covered porch during periods of rain when humidity levels are usually higher.

What is the difference between Albo and Aurea?

The main difference between Albo and Aurea is the coloring of the variegation. Albo features variegation that is closer to white, while Aurea’s variegation is yellow. Another main difference between the two is that the Albo isn’t a stable variegation, while Aurea is stable.

The Monstera Albo is a naturally occurring variegation, which means it is a genetic mutation. Because of this, the Albo isn’t a stable variegation. So the leaves can revert back to green without any variegation.

Because the variegation isn’t stable, the Albo can be a frustrating plant to grow. If you want a Monstera variegation that won’t go away, choose the Monstera Aurea over the Monstera Albo. Gardeners new to tropical houseplants may want to steer clear of the Monstera Albo and instead go for the Monstera Aurea since it is a stable variety.

What is the difference between Monstera Aurea vs Deliciosa?

The main difference between Monstera Aurea and Deliciosa is the coloring of their leaves. Monstera Aurea is a variegated plant, which has yellow variegation on its leaves. The Monstera Deliciosa isn’t variegated and has solid green foliage, with more, smaller holes than the Aurea.

Both the Monstera Aurea and the Monstera Deliciosa require the same care to ensure the plant is healthy and happy. If you’re looking for a non-variegated variety, look for the Monstera Deliciosa. Since it isn’t variegated, the Monstera Deliciosa is easier to obtain and typically less expensive.

What is the difference between Monstera Aurea Variegata and Thai Constellation?

The main difference between the Monstera Aurea and Thai Constellation is the color of their variegation. Monstera Aurea has yellow variegation, while Thai Constellation’s variegation is more cream in color. The Monstera Aurea is also a more compact plant than the Monstera Thai Constellation, while the Thai Constellation typically produces leaves that are slightly larger. 

Monstera Thai Constellation is also more readily available than the Aurea variegation, which means it usually has a lower price tag. Like the Monstera Aurea, however, the Thai constellation’s variegation can be streaks, specks, spots, or patches.

However, both the Monstera Aurea and Thai Constellation are stable variegation, which means their leaves won’t revert back to solid green. 

What is the difference between the Monstera Aurea and Monstera Mint?

The main difference between Monstera Aurea and Monstera Mint is the color of their variegation. Monstera Aurea has a yellow variegation, while Monstera Mint has a mint-green colored variegation. Another difference between the two is that Monstera Aurea is stable and Monstera Mint is not. 

This means Monstera Mint can revert back to a solid green leaf and lose its mint-green variegation. Both varieties, however, have the same care requirements.

Because the Monstera Mint isn’t a stable variety, it can be more difficult to grow. Because of this, the Monstera Mint may not be the ideal plant for new indoor gardeners. You should consider this information when deciding which Monstera plant to purchase.

Why does my Monstera Borsigiana Aurea have so many holes?

Like other Monstera varieties, the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea will start to form holes in their leaves. These holes are called fenestrations, and they allow for sunlight to reach the lower leaves and rain to fall to their roots when the plant lives in rainforests. These holes are not something to be worried about since they are naturally occurring.

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea will start to develop these holes once the plant reaches maturity. While it may seem alarming to see your plant’s leaves start to develop large holes in them, this is actually a good thing for this plant. The fenestrations are not caused by any problem – in fact, they’re a sign that you’re keeping your Monstera leaves healthy – and are actually what gives this plant the nickname Swiss Cheese plant.

Keep in mind, however, that along with age, growing conditions can also affect whether or not the Monstera Borsigiana Aurea develops the fenestration on its leaves. A Monstera takes time to grow, being considered mature at about 2 to 3 years old. At this time, the plant should begin to develop the holes in the leaves.

If the plant is past its maturity age and you’re still wondering when the Monstera leaves will split as it still doesn’t have the fenestration, then you should cross check the plant’s growing requirements with how you are currently caring for the Monstera. You would be surprised at how quickly the plant can become healthy if you provide it with its optimal growing environment.