A thriving, upright Monstera is the stuff of houseplant (and Instagram) dreams. So when they start to wilt a bit, it’s important to run through the various things that could be the problem – and one of them is definitely that your Monstera likes humidity levels to be just so.
Fortunately, that also means that with a little moisture in the air to give they humidity they need, your Monstera will perk right back up again!
In this article, we will run through just how much humidity your Monstera needs, as well as how you can increase humidity for this great plant to make sure it’s happy and healthy in your home.
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Do Monstera like humidity?
Monsteras are tropical plants and therefore love humidity. If you have a Monstera that doesn’t seem to be doing well, try increasing the humidity around it and see if that does the trick. You can do this by misting the plant daily or setting up a humidifier in the room.
Why exactly does this plant love humidity and how does it impact the plant? Let’s take a look.
Monsteras are native to rainforests where the air is thick with moisture. They grow under several other tropical plants and take advantage of the humidity that is trapped in the environment. This is also why, when it comes to how much light your Monstera needs, they prefers filtered non-direct light.
In these conditions, the plant can grow quickly and easily. The leaves of the Monstera are large and have many pores that help to absorb water from the air. They are designed to get as much moisture as possible so that they can create beautiful, strong, waxy growth.
When the humidity is low, the pores on the leaves close up and the plant has a hard time absorbing water. This can lead to your Monstera drooping and, eventually, death. You may also notice a change in color when the Monstera plant is deprived of moisture.
How much humidity does a Monstera need?
The ideal range for a Monstera is 60-70% humidity. If the levels are lower than this, you may start to see some of the leaves turn yellow or brown and drop off. The plant may also start to look a little wilted.
If the humidity is too high, it can lead to mold growth on the plant. This is especially true if the leaves are constantly wet. It’s important to find a happy medium when it comes to the humidity levels of your Monstera plant.
You can measure humidity levels with a hygrometer, which will give you either a percentage or an absolute reading. These days, it’s easy to find a hygrometer that also tracks temperature as well. This helps because you want to make sure that the air around your Monstera isn’t too cold or warm, as this can also lead to problems.
This handy tool works by measuring the amount of water vapor present in the air. The higher the level of water vapor, the higher the humidity.
You can also use your own senses to tell if the air around you is too dry. If your skin feels dry or chapped, it’s a good indication that the air could use some more moisture.
How do I know if my Monstera needs more humidity?
You’ll know that your Monstera plant needs more humidity if the leaves start to turn yellow or brown, the plant is wilting, or if the leaves start to drop off. If you see any of these signs, it’s time to increase the humidity around your plant.
A dry Monstera plant will feel dry to the touch. The leaves will be crispy and may even start to crumble when you touch them. Dust definitely indicates that the leaves are dry and in need of a good misting (and are a pretty clear indicator that it’s time to clean your Monstera’s leaves too).
If you see any of these signs, it’s time to increase the humidity around your plant.
Rule of thumb: If your Monstera plant has enough humidity, the leaves will be a deep green color and feel soft to the touch. The plant will be standing tall and won’t have any dust on the leaves.
You should also see new leaves growing if the humidity levels are where they should be. If you aren’t seeing your Monstera have new growth, it could be an indication that it’s not getting enough humidity.
How do you increase humidity for Monstera?
If you live in an area with low humidity, there are a few things you can do to increase the moisture in the air:
1. Group plants together
One of the easiest ways to increase humidity is to group your plants together. When you have multiple plants in one area, they release water vapor into the air, which increases the overall humidity levels.
This is especially effective if you have a lot of plants in one room. Just make sure that they all have enough space and aren’t crowded together. They will need access to light and air to thrive.
2. Use a tray with pebbles
Another easy way to increase humidity is to use a tray with pebbles. Fill the tray with water and then place your plant on top of the pebbles. Make sure to add at least 1 inch of water to the tray so it doesn’t evaporate too quickly.
Put your Monstera’s pot on top of the pebbles and water, being careful not to get the leaves wet. Make sure the base of the pot isn’t saturated in water to keep the absorption slow. The water will evaporate and increase the humidity around your plant.
Do Monsteras like pebble trays?
Yes, Monsteras like pebble trays because they help to increase the humidity around the plant. All you have to do is place the pot on top of the tray filled with pebbles and water. As the water evaporates, humidity levels around the plant will increase, giving your Monstera the moisture it needs to thrive.
This method works particularly well when you’re leaving town or are unable to attend to your plant and need it to have a steady stream of humidity while you’re away.
3. Mist your plants with water
Misting your plants with water is another great way to increase the humidity, at least temporarily until the water evaporates. Just make sure the leaves are dry before nightfall to avoid any potential mold growth.
You can use a spray bottle or even a plant mister to mist your plants. A plant mister produces a finer mist and provides better coverage. Just make sure you don’t overdo it and mist the leaves until they’re dripping wet.
(Relatedly, a Monstera dripping water if you haven’t sprayed it in a while is an indicator that they may actually be getting too much humidity.)
4. Use a humidifier
If you have a lot of plants, using a humidifier can be the best way to increase the humidity. A cool-mist humidifier is the best type to use as it won’t add any heat to the environment. This helps to reduce mold or mildew growth.
Set the humidifier to run for 30 minutes to an hour each day. This will help to increase the humidity levels in your home and keep your plants healthy. With a timer, this is an automatic process. Just remember to refill the machine with water every couple of days as needed.
Here’s my top pick for the best humidifier for your houseplants:
Do Monsteras like steam?
Steam can fortify a Monstera plant and be a great way to provide it with moisture. Just be sure not to provide too much hot steam in a room that isn’t ventilated. This can lead to mold or mildew growth on the plant.
Cooler steam is best. Make sure not to over-steam your plant. They like medium to high humidity, but if the room is constantly saturated with steam, it can be too much for the plant.
5. Place your Monstera in a bathroom
The bathroom is one of the most humid rooms in the house. This is because of all the steam that’s produced when you take a shower. Placing your Monstera plant in this room is similar to misting it but on a much larger scale.
The downside to this method is that it can be difficult to find a spot in the bathroom that has enough light for your plant. If there isn’t natural light in the room, you may need to carry the plant in and out each day.
6. Move your plant away from direct light
Do you have your Monstera plant in a window that’s receiving direct light? The sun may be drying out your plant. Move it to a spot that’s out of direct sunlight but still receiving indirect light.
You may need to experiment with a few different spots before you find the perfect location. Keep in mind that the Monstera plant likes 5 to 8 hours of bright indirect light so you’ll need to find a spot that meets these requirements.
8. Put the plants in your laundry room
If you have a dryer for your clothes, when you use it, the humidity in the room increases. This is because of the steam that’s produced by the machine, which removes water from your wet clothes.
You can take advantage of this by placing your Monstera plant in the laundry room while the clothes are drying. It will appreciate the extra humidity and you’ll be able to get your laundry done at the same time.
9. Use boiling water
A classic way to increase the humidity is to boil water on the stove. This method works well but it does take some time for the steam to fill the room. You also have to be present at the time, which isn’t the case for options like a pebble tray or humidifier.
You can also place a pot of water on a radiator or use a crockpot for a slower vapor release. Just make sure the pot of water is placed on a heat-resistant surface to avoid any accidents. Also, keep it away from any kids or pets in the home.
10. Keep your plant near the kitchen
Placing your Monstera plant near or in your kitchen is another great way to increase the humidity. This is because of all the steam that’s produced when you’re cooking.
It’s best to keep the plant away from the stove as the direct heat can be too much for it. But, if you have an island in your kitchen, this is a great spot for your plant. You can also purchase a plant stand so that it’s not taking up counter space.
11. Cover the plant with a bag
A quick and dirty way to create a greenhouse environment is by placing your plant in a clear plastic bag. Make sure the bag is big enough so the leaves have room to move.
This may not be the most attractive way to add humidity to your plant, but it quickly does the job. It is a popular option for wintertime when you want to quickly add some moisture. Just make sure not to choke your plant by sealing the bag too tightly.
12. Use a peat moss potting mix
If you’re potting or repotting your Monstera plant, you can use a peat moss potting mix. This type of mix helps to retain moisture and will add some extra humidity to your plant. Peat moss is made up of partially decomposed plant matter and is a great way to add organic matter to your potting mix that will help hold moisture.
Peat moss is also a great way to aerate your Monstera’s soil and improve drainage. This is important because the roots of your Monstera plant need to be able to breathe. You can easily find peat moss at your local garden center or online.
Do Monsteras like to be misted?
Monsteras have large leaves that collect dust easily. When you mist your plant, it not only adds humidity for a short period but also cleans the leaves. Mist your Monstera plant as frequently as you like. They enjoy the moisture and it’s good for their health.
The best container for misting is a spray bottle. You can also use a plant mister if you have one. Just make sure the water pressure is set to low so you don’t damage the leaves. If you have the budget and a large number of plants, setting up automatic misting systems is a great idea.
How often should I mist my Monstera plant?
Your Monstera will love a light misting a few times a day or a thorough misting every 1 or two days. However, the effects of misting your Monstera plant are more short-lived than other methods that slowly allow the water to evaporate and raise the humidity.
One of the best ways to gauge how often to mist is by feeling the leaves.
If the leaves feel dry or crispy, it’s time for a misting. On the other hand, if the leaves feel wet or soggy, you’re probably misting them too often. It’s important to find a balance so your plant can thrive.
Ideally, the leaves of your Monstera plant feel soft and velvety. This means they’re getting the right amount of moisture.