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Looking for a lush, green houseplant that is easy to care for? Look no further than the Silver Satin pothos! 

This plant, also known as Scindapsus, features darker green leaves with delicate silver streaks running through them. It’s perfect for anyone who wants a beautiful indoor garden but doesn’t have a lot of time to spend on maintenance. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the Silver Satin pothos and how to care for it. We will also provide some tips on how to make your pothos thrive!

silver satin pothos leaf

Easy Pothos Care Guide 💚

 Want one? Grab your very own Pothos here!

💧 Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Pothos are forgiving and tolerate occasional drying out but don’t let the soil stay soggy.

🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this potting mix. This standard indoor one works great, especially with its added perlite for aeration.

☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is best, but Pothos can adapt to lower light conditions. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

🌡️ Temperature: Pothos thrive in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Keep them away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.

🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.

How do you care for silver satin pothos?

Caring for a silver satin pothos is similar if not identical to caring for any standard pothos plant. These plants are very versatile and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. They prefer bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low light levels.

Water your silver satin pothos when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Allow the water to drain completely before putting the plant back in its pot. Overwatering your pothos is one of the most common problems with these plants, so make sure you are not overdoing it!

Fertilize your silver satin pothos every two to four weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). In terms of the best fertilizer for your pothos, you can use a water-soluble fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer. Be sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer package. Pothos are not heavy feeders, so you should not need to fertilize more than once every four weeks.

Regularly pruning your pothos is also great for this plant, as it helps them to maintain their shape and encourages new growth. Use sharp, clean scissors or shears to snip off any yellow or brown leaves. You can also trim back leggy stems to encourage the plant to grow fuller.

Find out more: How Fast Does Pothos Grow (and How to Make it Grow Faster)?

Do silver satin pothos need sunlight?

Yes, like all houseplants, silver satin pothos plants need sunlight. They prefer bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low light levels. This means that the plant is great for rooms such as offices or bedrooms that don’t get a lot of natural light.

If your pothos’ light needs aren’t being met because it is living in low-lighting conditions, you can expect its growth rate to slow down. It may also stop producing bushy full leaves and become a bit leggy. If this happens, simply trim back the leggy stems to encourage new growth.

When placing your silver satin pothos in a window, make sure that it isn’t getting hit with too much direct light. This could scorch the leaves, leading to your pothos having sunburn and causing its leaves to turn brown and eventually fall off.

silver satin pothos plant

Pull the plant up to 5 feet away from the window to ensure that it is getting the bright, indirect light it needs to thrive.

Consider yourself a Pothos pro? Take this quiz and prove it!

Another trick is to put up a sheer curtain that can help diffuse the light coming in from the window. This will create the perfect environment for your silver satin pothos to grow and thrive!

Place your plant in windows that are facing east or west for the best results.

How often should I water my satin pothos?

Satin pothos plants are drought-tolerant, so they don’t need to be watered very often. Water your plant when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Allow the water to drain completely before putting the plant back in its pot. Your plant will need this every 1 to 2 weeks.

It’s important to be aware of how often to water your pothos given that overwatering is one of the most common problems with pothos plants, so make sure you are not overdoing it! If you see the leaves turning yellow or brown, this is a sign that your plant is being overwatered. This could attract pests and lead to root rot.

Make sure you’re using soil that is well-drained and that there are holes in the bottom of the pot so that water can easily escape. Pothos need drainage, so having both the right soil and holes in the pot will make it a breeze to keep your pothos plant healthy and happy without being waterlogged.

Should I mist my silver pothos?

These plants are native to tropical climates, so they love the humidity. You can mist your silver satin pothos every few days to help increase the humidity around it. The moisture will help to keep the leaves looking healthy and prevent them from drying out, especially in the winter months.

You can also place your plant on a pebble tray. This is a tray filled with small rocks and water. The water will evaporate and create a humid environment for your plant to enjoy.

misting a pothos plant

Another way to create the humidity your pothos needs is to group your plants together. This will help them to trap moisture and create a mini greenhouse effect.

Finally, you may want to consider adding a humidifier to the room where your plant is living. This will help to keep the air around it moist and comfortable for your pothos plant.

Similar to watering your silver pothos, it’s important not to overdo it when it comes to misting. Too much humidity can lead to problems such as leaf spots, pests, or root rot.

Where do you put satin pothos?

Satin pothos plants are versatile and can be placed in a variety of different locations. They do well in both bright, indirect light, and low-light conditions. This means that they can go in virtually any room in your home as long as there is at least a little light.

This makes them perfect for rooms such as offices or bedrooms that don’t get a lot of natural light. You can also place them in windows that are facing east or west for the best results.

You can put your pothos outdoors as well, as long as they are potted in a container. It’s not a good idea to plant your silver satin pothos in the ground, because this plant is considered invasive and will take over your garden if you’re not careful.

When it comes to temperature, satin pothos plants prefer to be in a room that is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. So make sure that you place your plant in a room within this range.

Finally, it’s important to note that satin pothos plants are poisonous if ingested. This means that you’ll need to keep them away from pets and small children who might be tempted to eat the leaves. Put them high up and out of reach to be safe.

Related: Are Pothos Toxic to Dogs (and What to Do If Your Pet Eats One)?

Do satin pothos climb?

Yes, the satin pothos looks beautiful climbing along a window sill, on a trellis, on a moss pole, or on any other type of support. You can expect it to climb up to 10 feet indoors. It may climb even longer if you take superb care of it and give it the right care.

To start training your pothos to climb, simply choose a healthy stem and gently tie it to the support of your choice. Use a soft material such as cotton or nylon so that you don’t damage the stem. You can also use clips if you prefer.

silver satin pothos climbing

Once your plant is securely attached, sit back and watch it grow! You may need to help it along the way by gently training the stems in the direction that you want them to go. But for the most part, your plant will do a great job of climbing on its own.

Just like with any other plant, it’s important not to neglect your satin pothos while it’s climbing. Make sure to water it regularly and give it the right amount of sunlight. You may also need to fertilize your plant more often than usual to help it along the way.

Prune off any yellow or dead leaves as you see them. This will help to encourage new growth and keep your plant looking its best. If you take good care of your satin pothos, it will reward you with years of beauty and enjoyment. So what are you waiting for? Start climbing!

Do silver pothos like to be root bound?

Silver pothos plants don’t do well when they are root bound. This can lead to a number of problems such as stunted growth, yellow leaves, and even death. This is because the roots are less capable of absorbing nutrients and water when they are crowded.

To prevent your pothos from becoming root bound, make sure to repot it every one to two years. Use a pot that is just slightly larger than the previous one so that you don’t damage the roots. One to two inches larger is perfect.

When you do repot your pothos plant, make sure to use fresh potting mix. This will give your plant the nutrients that it needs to thrive. You can also add a slow-release fertilizer to the mix to help your plant even more.

It’s also important to make sure that you loosen the roots before replanting them. This will help the plant to grow more easily in its new pot. Simply loosen the roots with your fingers before replanting them.

How do I divide a silver pothos plant?

To divide a silver pothos plant, you’ll need to carefully remove it from its pot. Once you’ve done this, gently loosen the roots and separate them into two or more sections. Each section should have at least three leaves. Once you’ve divided your plant, you can repot each section into its own pot. 

Make sure to use fresh potting mix and a slow-release fertilizer. You can also add some pebbles to the bottom of the pot to help with drainage.

It’s important to note that silver pothos plants don’t like to be disturbed. This means that you should only divide your plant every two or three years. Dividing it more often than that can lead to stress and even death.

A less traumatic way to propagate your silver pothos is to take stem cuttings. This is a simple process that anyone can do. Simply cut a healthy stem from your plant and pot your pothos cutting up in a fresh potting mix.


Can silver satin pothos live in water?

Yes, the silver satin pothos plant is able to thrive in water. Take a cutting from the plant and place it in a jar or vase of water. Change the water every week to keep it fresh. This helps to prevent the roots from rotting and allows oxygen and nutrients to reach the plant.

You can also grow your silver satin pothos in a hydroponic system. This is a great option for those who want to save space or don’t have good soil for planting. All you need is a container, some water, and some nutrients. Your plant will do the rest!

silver satin pothos

You can use a clear glass or plastic container so that you can see the roots as they grow. This is a great way to watch your plant thrive and see how it grows in water.

Colored glass containers work well too, and also help to prevent the container from growing too much algae. This means less cleanup for you overall.

Why are my silver satin pothos leaves curling?

The main culprit for curling silver satin pothos leaves is underwatering. The leaves are going into shock and shrinking as a way to preserve energy. This is one of the earliest signs of underwatering, so it’s easy to correct the problem.

If you don’t water your plant often enough, the curled leaves will eventually dry up, change color, and drop from the plant. This is why it’s important to catch the problem early and start watering your plant more frequently.

Some additional reasons why your silver satin pothos leaves might be curling are:

  • Too much sun: If your plant is getting too much direct sunlight, the leaves will start to curl as a way to protect themselves. Move your plant to a shady spot and see if the problem improves.
  • Temperature stress: Extreme temperatures can also cause silver satin pothos leaves to curl. If it’s too cold, the leaves will curl inward to protect themselves from the cold air. If it’s too hot, the leaves will curl as a way to prevent water loss.
  • Not enough nutrients: If your plant isn’t getting enough nutrients, it will start to show signs of stress. This includes curling leaves, yellowing leaves, and stunted growth. If you think your silver satin pothos is suffering from a nutrient deficiency, you can try feeding it a weak solution of liquid fertilizer. You can also add some compost or fresh soil to the pot.

Start with watering your plant and then assess whether you’ll need to take action on these other fronts. More often than not, simply increasing the water will help to fix the problem.

Do silver satin pothos climb?

Yes, silver satin pothos are known for their climbing ability. They have long, slender stems that can grow up to 20 feet in length in the wild. You can replicate these results in your home by giving your plant a trellis or other support to climb on.

You can also let your silver satin pothos plant trail down from a high shelf or hang it from a macrame plant hanger. These plants are very versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to decorate your home.

silver satin pothos climbing

How do you train satin pothos?

Train your satin pothos to climb by wrapping the stems around a support, like a moss pole or trellis. You can use garden ties, twist-ties, or string to secure the plant to the support. Be careful not to damage the stem when you are wrapping it.

You can also use plant clips to attach your silver satin pothos to a support system. Plant clips are easy to use and will not damage the stem of your plant.

When you are training your plant, make sure that the support is secure and will not fall over. You don’t want to damage your plant or have it fall and hurt itself.

Do satin pothos flower?

While this plant can technically flower, it’s rare that this will happen indoors. This is because when indoors, the satin pothos doesn’t grow into full maturity, which triggers the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. The plant can produce a small spadix in the right conditions, and these lead to small berries.

In nature, this spadix flower grows naturally and helps to reproduce the plant. However, when grown indoors, the spadix is much smaller and produces fewer berries.

Because you won’t get flowers from your plant, this means that you won’t get seeds either. If you see seeds for sale for a silver satin pothos plant, know that these are likely from a different species of plant.

If you want your satin pothos to flower, you’ll need to mimic its natural habitat as much as possible. This means giving it bright, indirect light and keeping the temperature between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also fertilize your plant regularly with a high-phosphorus fertilizer.

Even with the perfect conditions, it’s still unlikely that your pothos will flower indoors. But if you’re patient and provide the best possible environment, you may be rewarded with a small spadix and berries.

Are silver pothos and satin pothos the same?

No, the silver pothos and satin pothos are not the same plant, although they are nearly identical in terms of looks and their care needs. The main difference between them is in their leaf shape. Silver pothos leaves are more heart-shaped, while satin pothos leaves are more oval-shaped.

Other than that, these two plants are very similar. They have the same care needs and grow in the same way. If you’re looking for a plant that is easy to care for and looks great, either of these plants would be a good choice.

Is silver splash the same as silver satin?

Yes, the silver splash and silver satin pothos are the same plant. The term “silver splash” refers to the small light-colored dots that can be found on the heart-shaped leaves. “Satin” refers to the sheen that can be seen on the leaves when they are backlit by the sun.

Both of these terms are used interchangeably to describe the same plant. So if you see a silver splash pothos for sale, know that this is the same plant as a silver satin pothos.

Silver satin pothos vs scindapsus

The main difference between the Scindapsus pictus and silver satin pothos plants is their leaves. The Scindapsus plant has slightly thicker and waxier leaves and is often slightly more expensive than the silver pothos. They are, however, both members of the Araceae family. 

That said, the Scindapsus is its own genus, while the silver pothos belongs to the Epipremnum genus. Both plants are, however, easy to care for and make great houseplants.

Are silver satin pothos rare?

The silver satin pothos is a common plant that is easy to find for sale. You should be able to find this plant at your local nursery or garden center. It is also a common plant for sale or trade at farmers’ markets or amongst houseplant enthusiasts.

How much is a satin pothos?

A satin pothos plant will run you anywhere between $15 – $50. This price will depend on the size and health of the plant. A larger, healthier plant will be on the higher end of this price range, although you can check online sellers to find one around your target price.

That is, you can also find satin pothos plants for sale online. The prices will be similar to what you would find at a nursery or garden center.

If you’re looking for an affordable option, try asking for a free clipping or barter with a friend who already has this plant.

No matter where you get your plant, be sure to inspect it for pests or diseases before bringing it home.