Neon pothos are just one of the many different pothos varieties that don’t require an abundance of maintenance.
Because they are easy to care for, Neon pothos makes a wonderful starter plant for those new to the whole indoor gardening scene.

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Easy Pothos Care Guide 💚
⭐ Want one? Grab your very own Pothos here!
💧 Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Pothos are forgiving and tolerate occasional drying out but don’t let the soil stay soggy.
🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this potting mix. This standard indoor one works great, especially with its added perlite for aeration.
☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is best, but Pothos can adapt to lower light conditions. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
🌡️ Temperature: Pothos thrive in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Keep them away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.
🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.
What is a Neon pothos?
Neon pothos are a popular houseplant grown for its attractive foliage. This foliage is shaped similar to a heart, and has a unique chartreuse neon color. Like other pothos varieties, the Neon pothos is relatively easy to grow, which makes it ideal for beginners.
The Neon pothos is native to French Polynesia, where it grows as a climbing vine along tree trunks, as well as a ground cover sprawling along the forest floor. In the wild, the Neon pothos can reach heights of up to 40-feet or more.
Are Neon pothos hard to take care of?
Neon pothos are extremely easy to care for, and are actually known as a hard-to-kill plant. This fact alone makes them one of the best plants for wannabe gardeners who don’t have the greenest of thumbs, especially if you want a plant that looks striking too.
That is, many people who have not had any luck growing other houseplants have found success with the Neon pothos.
How do you take care of Neon pothos?
Ideally, the neon pothos will have well draining soil that is rich in organic matter, bright but indirect sunlight, humidity levels above 50%, temperatures that don’t fall below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and watering weekly or every other week to keep it happy.
Pothos are one of the easiest plants to care for, and can tolerate a lot of different growing conditions. Giving the Neon pothos its ideal growing environment, however, will help increase the health and well-being of the plant. What’s even better is that the Neon pothos doesn’t require much to make it happy.
You should also consider giving the Neon pothos some fertilizer once every 3 weeks during the spring and early summer months. A balanced fertilizer applied at half its strength will help to encourage growth and keep the pothos strong and healthy.
How often should I water my Neon pothos?
Neon pothos requires watering every one to two weeks, though the exact time frame between waterings will vary depending on several factors. Things such as time of year, temperature, humidity, and size of the plant. You should allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings.
Before watering the plant, make sure to stick your finger into the soil to test the moisture level. If the soil still feels moist, wait a day or two before testing again. If, however, the soil feels dry, go ahead and water the pothos deeply until the water runs out of the bottom of the pot’s drainage holes.
It is easy to overwater any plant, so care must be taken to avoid this from occurring. Overwatering a pothos will lead to root rot, which can quickly cause irreversible harm to the plant. Once your pothos has root rot, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.
Consider yourself a Pothos pro? Take this quiz and prove it!
What soil is best for Neon pothos?
Neon pothos are not picky plants, and can grow well in just about any soil as long as it is well drained. With that said, however, they thrive in potting soil that is rich in nutrients. Use indoor potting mix and add a little coco coir or perlite to improve the overall drainage of the soil.
Another option is to make your own potting soil for the Neon pothos by mixing 1 part shredded bark, 1 part sand, 2 parts perlite, and 4 parts coco coir or peat moss. You can also improve the overall quality of commercially available potting soil by mixing equal parts of the potting soil with perlite.
No matter what soil you use for your pothos, make sure it is well draining, rich in organic matter, and not compact. Compact soil increases the chance of overwatering and root rot, while a soil that is of low quality won’t give the Neon pothos the proper amount of nutrients.
When should I repot my Neon pothos?
When it’s time to repot your Neon pothos, do so during the plant’s growing season, which is in the spring and summer. At this time, your pothos will be growing and getting stronger, which means it will recover better from the stress that naturally occurs during the repotting process.
The best size pot for repotting pothos is one that is about 3 times the size of the old pot. You want to ensure the transplanted pothos’ roots have enough room to grow. With that said, however, avoid using a pot that is more than 6 times the size of the old pot as this can make it difficult for the plant to soak up nutrients.
Make sure that you only grow the Neon pothos in a container that has drainage holes along the bottom and not on the sides. Holes on the sides mean the water has to build up to a certain level before it can drain out. This increases the chance of the roots becoming soggy and root rot setting in.
How do you propagate Neon pothos?
Propagating Neon pothos isn’t a difficult process. You will need to cut off a healthy stem that has at least four established leaves and a leaf node. Remove the lower leaves, making sure to keep a few of the top leaves on the stem.
After you have taken the pothos cutting, you can propagate it in either water or soil. If you choose water, the cutting will need to be transplanted into soil unless you plan on growing the plant only in water.
No matter what growing medium you plant the cutting in, you will still need to provide the Neon pothos with the right amount of sunlight, fertilizer, water, and climate.
- 8 Simple Steps to Propagate Pothos Plants Successfully
- 8 Simple Steps to Propagate Pothos Without Leaves
How much light do Neon pothos need?
Neon pothos grow best in 10 to 12 hours of indirect bright light given to the plant year round. It has, however, adapted to growing in lower light. Direct sunlight will burn and scorch the plant’s foliage, and not enough light can cause the leaves to change in color to a pale green.
Ten to 12 hours of sunlight a day is the ideal amount of light for the Neon pothos.
If you notice any signs of burning or scorching on the Neon pothos leaves, immediately move the plant away from the area and then re-examine the situation. Check to ensure that the light the plant is getting is indirect or filtered, and that it is not more than 12 hours a day.
Find out more: What Are Your Pothos’ Light Needs (So Your Plant Can Thrive)?
Can Neon pothos survive in low light?
Neon pothos can survive in low light conditions, though you will see better growth and have a happier plant if it gets an abundance of indirect light. Neon pothos can even grow under fluorescent lights if you choose to use it as supplemental lighting.
This means that if you don’t have a place where the plant can get 10 to 12 hours of light a day, you can use fluorescent lights as supplemental lighting.
Low light generally won’t kill the Neon pothos, but it will slow down the plant’s growth rate and result in stunted growth and smaller leaves. You may also notice the overall appearance of the pothos isn’t as attractive when grown in low light. This is because the plant isn’t getting that much needed sunlight, which is vital for healthy growth.
Does Neon pothos like to be misted?
Misting Neon pothos is not necessary since these plants don’t require an abundance of moisture. While misting every once in a while probably won’t hurt the pothos, you could overdo it and increase the chance of the plant developing fungal and pest problems.
If, however, you live in an area that is dusty and dry, lightly misting the Neon pothos every so often may help the plant.
Misting doesn’t, however, make up for low humidity levels. Neon pothos need humidity levels between 50 and 70%. So, if the plant is growing in an area with humidity levels below this, you will need to increase those levels.
You can increase your pothos’ humidity levels by using a humidifier, which is a small appliance that puts moisture back into the air, or you can set the Neon pothos on a drip tray.
Drip trays are shallow trays filled with small pebbles that collect the excess water that drains out of the pot. This water will evaporate into the air surrounding the pothos, naturally increasing the humidity level.
Should I use a moss pole or trellis for my Neon pothos?
Neon pothos don’t have to be grown on a moss pole or trellis, and can thrive just fine in a pot or hanging basket. However, providing the pothos with a moss pole allows their aerial roots to grab onto the pole the same way the plant would in their natural environment.
Another benefit of providing the pothos with a moss pole is that it helps to maintain the plant’s growth upward and not going every which way in a container.
Related: 9 Simple Steps to Train Your Pothos to Climb
Can Neon pothos grow in just water?
Neon pothos are such a versatile plant that it can be grown in just water without any soil. With that said, however, you cannot simply pot the plant in water and assume it will survive. You will need to provide the plant with nutrients that it would otherwise receive if growing in soil.
Along with a balanced liquid fertilizer, you will also need to change the water that the pothos is growing in every week or two, as well as clean the containers whenever they get dirty or have algae growing in them.
Growing a pothos in water alone may sound simple, but it does require specific actions to ensure the plant thrives for years to come. Not cleaning the container it is growing in, for example, can increase the chance of the plant developing a disease that could potentially kill the pothos.
Is Neon pothos toxic?
Neon pothos is toxic to both humans and animals, and should be kept out of reach of children and pets. The leaves and stems of all pothos varieties contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are like glass shards that can tear, shred, and rip skin.
If ingested, Neon pothos can lead to burning of the mouth, tongue, lips, and throat, diarrhea, vomiting, and, in extreme cases, organ failure.
Because all parts of the Neon pothos are toxic, it is best to place the plant in an area where it won’t be bothered. Some gardeners choose to grow the pothos in a hanging basket to keep it up and out of the way of pets and children.
If your pet or child ingests any part of the Neon pothos, seek help from a health professional immediately. Even if they didn’t ingest enough to pose a serious health risk, the side effects of consuming a pothos are unpleasant and painful, and a medical professional can help provide relief from these side effects.
Related: Are Pothos Toxic to Dogs (and What to Do If Your Pet Eats One)?
Do Neon pothos grow fast?
If you’re looking for a fast growing houseplant, look no further than the pothos. All pothos varieties are relatively fast growers. Although some varieties grow faster than others. The jade variety, for example, is one of the fastest growing pothos, while Neon pothos tend to be slower.
That doesn’t mean that the Neon pothos doesn’t grow fast. It’s just not as fast of a grower as the jade pothos.
How do you make Neon pothos grow faster?
The best way to ensure your Neon pothos grows as fast as possible is to give the plant proper care.
Find out more: How Fast Does Pothos Grow (and How to Make it Grow Faster)?
1. Use good growing medium
The soil that your Neon pathos is growing in is an important part of encouraging the plant to grow faster. Look for potting soil that is high in organic matter while also being light and airy, which allows for good water drainage.
Using low quality potting soil won’t provide the plant with nutrients and can even increase the chance of pests and diseases.
2. Give the plant the high temps it desires
Pothos, including the neon varieties, thrive in warm tropical temperatures. If you want your pathos to grow faster, keep the room temperature between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Keep the pothos out of temperatures that fall below 50 degrees as this plant isn’t cold hardy and will succumb to low temperatures.
3. Make sure the pothos has bright but indirect sunlight
A plant that receives the proper amount of light will grow at a faster rate than one that doesn’t. To increase growth, make sure the Neon pothos gets 10 to 12 hours of indirect sunlight every day.
With that said, however, too much sunlight, or sunlight that is direct or too bright can stunt the plant’s growth.
4. Avoid overwatering the pothos
Pothos do not require an abundance of water, and giving the plant too much will actually slow its growth and can result in root rot. That is why it is important to let the soil dry out a bit before watering.
In terms of how often to water your pothos, a good general rule of thumb is to water once every one to two weeks.
5. Don’t forget to feed the neon pothos
A balanced fertilizer applied every 2 to 3 months during the growing season will help boost the plant’s growth. A balanced fertilizer works well for Neon pothos, just make sure to follow the dosage instructions found on the fertilizer bottle or package.
6. Prune dead and damaged leaves
Dead and damaged leaves waste vital resources that the pothos could put towards growth. By cutting the dead and damaged leaves off the plant with a clean pair of pruning shears, you will help increase the plant’s growth rate, as well as improve its overall health.
7. Tackle pests as soon as possible
One of the quickest ways to slow down the growth of your Neon pothos is to allow pests to take over the plant. Spider Mites, mealybugs, aphids, scales, and various other pests can attack houseplants such as pothos. These pests feed on the plant’s juices, piercing the leaves and stems with their sharp mouthparts.
A healthy neon pothos is usually strong enough to deal with these pests alone, but act quickly if you find any crawling around on your pothos. Insecticidal soap is the recommended treatment of these sap sucking insects, and can be applied indoors. Make sure to also treat other houseplants as well, since pests can travel from one plant to the next.
Are Neon pothos rare?
Neon pothos isn’t a rare houseplant, and is actually fairly common, so most plant shops will have one for you to buy. Instead, The title for the rarest pothos goes to the Harlequin pothos. This variety has an appearance that looks like a cross between snow queen and marble pothos.
Because of the rarity of the Harlequin pothos, its price tag is much higher than the Neon pothos.
How much is a Neon pothos?
The Neon pothos price varies depending on the size and age of the plant, as well as the area. However, a young Neon pothos in a 4-inch pot has a price tag of about $30, depending on where you purchase the plant.
This price doesn’t include shipping, which may be required if you purchase the Neon pothos online.
One way you could potentially save on the cost of a Neon pothos is to reach out to friends and family to see if they are currently growing this pothos variety. If they are, they may consider giving you a cutting from their healthy plant for free or at a low cost. You can also check with your local gardening clubs as they will sometimes offer plant swaps.
Can Neon pothos become variegated?
The variegated Neon pothos features the same heart-shaped leaves as the non-variegated type. But, unlike the normal pothos, these leaves have a bright yellow variegation. Unfortunately, the variegated Neon pothos can be unpredictable, and it is not uncommon for this plant to lose its variegation overtime.
While there is no telling when a variegated neon pothos will lose its variegation, you can help prevent this from occurring by providing the plant with the proper care. This includes making sure the Neon pothos has the correct amount of light at all times.
Can Neon pothos change color?
Neon pothos can change color if they are not receiving the right care. When grown in low light conditions, for example, the bright chartreuse leaves can become darker or even start to turn white. Not enough potassium can also result in the pothos’ leaves turning white.
A variegated Neon pothos can also start to lose its desirable variegation if it doesn’t receive the right care.
Why is my Neon pothos turning white?
When your Neon pothos leaves are turning white or becoming pale in color, the two main culprits are low light and low potassium. Giving the plant more light and apply a balanced fertilizer will help correct this problem.
For example, you may want to move your Neon pothos towards a window or change a heavier curtain for one that’s more sheer.
Why is my Neon pothos yellow?
If your Neon pothos leaves are turning yellow, the most common causes are exposure to temperatures that are too hot or too cold, too much sunlight, or fertilizing too much. Leaves can also turn yellow if the plant is receiving too much direct light or the fertilizer you are feeding it is not good quality.
Here, it basically comes down to a process of elimination. That is, go through each one of them individually to see what the issue is. Then, when you hit that point, you can easily adjust your care schedule to address the issue.
Why does my Neon pothos have dark green variegation?
When the Neon pothos starts to develop dark green spots or markings on its leaves, that is a sign that the plant is not getting enough light. For Neon pothos, low light means smaller leaves that start to develop a dark green coloring. Thankfully, you can correct this problem by giving the Neon pothos more light.
Move the plant to an area in your home where it will get at least 10 hours of sunlight. Make sure, however, that the light is indirect or filtered. Direct light will burn the foliage of this plant.
Keep in mind that the leaves that are currency small and discolored will not get better just because the lighting issue has been fixed. You won’t see improvement until the new leaves come in.
What is the difference between Neon pothos and lemon lime philodendron?
While both the Neon pothos and the lemon lime philodendron have a similar vibrant chartreuse coloring, these two plants have a whole lot of differences that can help you tell them apart. The main difference between the lemon lime philodendron vs Neon pothos is the leaf shape.
The Neon pothos leaves are thicker and bigger, while the lemon lime philodendron have thinner leaves with a softer texture.
Another difference between the lemon lime philodendron vs Neon pothos is their size. The lemon lime philodendron can grow up to 15 feet, while the Neon pothos reaches heights of between 6 and 10 feet tall.