Also known as the velvet shingler, or velvet shingle, the Monstera tuberculata is an interesting Monstera variety that isn’t as well known as other types.
Because it is not as readily available, trying to purchase Monstera tuberculata can leave you frustrated and feeling hopeless. The good news is that, despite its hard-to-come-by status, there are still ways to obtain this unusual and interesting plant.
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Easy Monstera Care Guide 🌿
⭐ Want one? Grab a classic Monstera here or a smaller Monstera Adansonii here!
💧 Water: Water when the top 2-3 inches of soil feel dry. Monsteras prefer consistent moisture but don’t like sitting in soggy soil.
🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this tropical potting mix. A mix with peat, perlite, or coco coir is great for avoiding soggy roots.
☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is ideal. Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, while low light may slow growth.
🌡️ Temperature: Monsteras thrive between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Keep them away from drafts and sudden temperature changes.
🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.
How to identify Monstera tuberculata
One of the easiest ways to identify the Monstera tuberculata plant is by its large heart-shaped velvet-like leaves that lie flat and curl around just about any surface. These leaves also don’t have the same fenestrations (holes in the leaves) that other Monstera varieties have.
The leaves do start out small in size. As the plant matures, however, these leaves can reach 3-inches wide and will grow in an alternating pattern. It can grow outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 9b to 11, but is typically grown indoors as a houseplant.
Monstera tuberculata is sometimes called velvet shingler or velvet shingle because its leaves have a velvet-like texture, which is often used to identify this rare plant. These leaves also distinctly lay flat on the surface it is growing on, making it look like a roof shingle.
Monstera tuberculata vs dubia
The main difference between Monstera tuberculata is that some experts state that the Monstera dubia has leaves that are more variegated than the Monstera tuberculata. Others, however, actually say that they are the same plant, with tuberculata being a clone of dubia.
Like Monstera tuberculata, Monstera dubia has flat leaves that curl around the surface it is growing on, so the similarities are evident. On the question of whether or not the Monstera tuberculata is a clone of the Monstera dubia, unfortunately, since not much is known about Monstera tuberculata, we cannot say whether this is true or not.
Because not much is known about Monstera tuberculata, trying to determine the difference between it and Monstera dubia can be difficult, so you wouldn’t be blamed for confusing the two.
Monstera tuberculata care
The Monstera tuberculata care is about the same as other Monstera varieties. It needs high humidity and warm weather. If you want your Monstera plant to thrive, aim to recreate its native environment, which is the tropical rainforests of Mexico and Central America.
While Monstera tuberculata care isn’t too difficult, it is important. Making sure you give the plant all that it needs to thrive is the best way to keep the plant healthy and happy. If cared for properly, the Monstera tuberculata can provide you with many years of enjoyment.
Temperature and humidity
The Monstera tuberculata needs humidity levels of 60% or higher, and temperatures of between 65 and 85-degrees Fahrenheit. While Monstera temperature requirements in terms of what they can survive can range from as low as 55-degrees Fahrenheit, it isn’t recommended to allow this plant to live in temps this low. This can lead to cold shock, stunted growth, and can even kill the plant.
If you need to increase the humidity for your Monstera in your home, consider either purchasing a humidifier or using a pebble tray. A pebble tray is usually the cheapest and easiest way to increase humidity, and all you need is to fill a tray large enough for the plant’s container to sit on with small pebbles.
Consider yourself a Monstera master? Take this quiz and prove it!
Every time you water the plant, the excess water will drain out of the pot and into the tray. This water will then naturally evaporate into the air, increasing the humidity level around the Monstera tuberculata.
Light requirements
The Monstera tuberculata needs light consisting of 70% to 85% sunlight that is filtered and not direct. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves, while also causing stunted growth of the plant. Not giving the plant enough sunlight can also cause damage to its overall health and wellness.
An east-facing window typically provides the right amount of sunlight for the Monstera tuberculata. No worries, however, if you don’t have an east-facing window. Just make sure that the sunlight the plant is currently getting is bright and filtered, not direct.
Growing medium and watering
This Monstera variety grows best in moist but not soggy soil that is rich in organic matter. For the best results, choose a soil for your Monstera that is light and airy, and avoid dry, sandy, or compact soil. Since Monstera tuberculata doesn’t like its feet wet, make sure to only water when the top inch or so of soil is dry.
Container for Monstera tuberculata
As stated above, Monsteras don’t like soggy roots, and soggy roots can quickly lead to the dreaded root rot in your Monstera. The best defense against this is to ensure the plant is to avoid overwatering the plant, while also growing it in the right growing medium and container.
Monsteras should only be grown in containers that have drainage holes at the bottom and not along the sides. When the holes are on the sides, the water will have to build up to a certain level inside the pot before it drains out. This can still lead to soggy roots.
Instead, grow the Monstera in a container with drainage holes at the bottom. Furthermore, select a container that is 2 to 3 times the size of the current plant. This will give the Monstera tuberculata room to grow.
Where to find Monstera tuberculata for sale
Monstera tuberculata is not as readily available as other varieties of the Monstera plant. In fact, it can be quite difficult to obtain one of these plants. It’s recommended to check with specialty growers in your area or online, who may have cuttings of Monstera tuberculata for sale.
While this isn’t going to be easy, it isn’t impossible, but may require thinking outside the box.
If you know anyone in your area or online that grows plants indoors, it may be worth a shot at asking them if they are currently growing Monstera tuberculata. If so, they may be willing to give you a cutting of their plant. If not, they could possibly know where you could look for this Monstera variety.
Local nurseries and garden centers
Purchasing the Monstera tuberculata locally is usually the best option. Not only do you get to support your local businesses, but you also don’t have to pay the added cost of shipping the plant to you. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to obtain rare or not readily available plants at local greenhouses.
If your local nurseries don’t currently have Monstera tuberculata available for purchase, ask them if they can order the plant for you. In some cases, the greenhouse may have the ability to not only order certain plants, but have them shipped with their next order, so you don’t have to pay freight charges.
Online plant shops
Online plant shops allow gardeners the ability to purchase plants that they may otherwise not be able to buy locally. While this is a positive thing, buying plants online typically means you have to pay for shipping the plant to you. This can greatly increase the overall cost of Monstera tuberculata.
To help reduce the price of this Monstera plant, you should check to see if the store has a free shipping option if you order more than a certain amount. This does mean that you may have to buy more plants than you originally wanted to, but the overall cost may be cheaper than paying the price of shipping. Make sure to do the math and calculate both options to see which one gives you the best value.
Social media clubs and groups
Social media plant clubs and groups may be your only other option for getting your hands on one of these plants. Keep in mind, however, that it may cost a pretty penny, especially if the plant is shipped to you.
If you can connect with someone local who has this plant, you may be able to trade them a cutting from one of your other houseplants for a cutting of their Monstera tuberculata.
If they don’t want to trade, you could ask them how much they would charge for a cutting of their plant. Since Monstera tuberculata is rather rare, you could be looking at over a hundred dollars for a small cutting of this plant.