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Glacier pothos is a gorgeous variegated variety of the extremely popular pothos houseplant. 

The Glacier has the same low maintenance needs as other types of pothos, but with the added attractiveness that the variegated foliage provides. They also have the ability to naturally clean the air, which is another benefit for you and your home.

Keep reading to find out all about this potential next addition to your houseplant collection!

glacier pothos
Source: bloom_n_green

What are Glacier pothos?

The Glacier pothos is a variegated variety of pothos with color blocks of soft green and bright white covering the foliage. Like other types, the Glacier pothos is tolerant of various growing conditions and is notorious for being hard to kill. 

Similar to other pothos varieties, the Glacier requires little care and isn’t too fussy. This makes it an ideal starting plant for those who want to try their green thumb out on a variegated plant. With that said, however, the variegation of the Glacier pothos isn’t stable.

What this means is that the plant can lose its variegation if not given the proper care. In fact, the variegation has the potential of reverting even when you’re doing everything right.

How do you care for Glacier pothos?

Glacier pothos are one of the easiest houseplants to care for. That doesn’t mean, however, they don’t require certain things to ensure they are healthy and happier.

1. The right temperature and humidity

Glacier pothos love warm temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but can tolerate temps as low as 60 degrees. Humidity levels for your pothos should also be above 50%, but below 70%.

Even though they are hard to kill, you should still keep pothos away from areas where they are subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations. An example of this would be near a heating and cooling vent or even next to an exterior door.

glacier pothos
Source: stephbplants_

2. Bright, indirect light

Like other types of pothos, the Glacier needs bright sunlight but cannot handle direct light. Because of this, the light will need to be indirect or filtered. Furthermore, the plant will need around 10 to 12 hours of said light.

Keep in mind, however, that you can provide too much light or light that is too bright. This can cause a slew of problems on its own, including that your pothos can get sunburned. Make sure to monitor the plant regularly to ensure the light it receives isn’t direct or too bright.

3. Water from time to time

Glacier pothos are not fond of soggy soils, and you should steer clear of growing them in constantly moist soil. Instead, let the soil dry out in between waterings. To ensure the soil is dry before watering, insert your finger into the top 2 inches of soil.

When the top 2 inches of soil feels dry, water the Glacier plant deeply. If it still feels damp, skip the watering that day and check back in a few more days.

Because root rot in pothos is such a serious issue, it is vitally important to ensure that the pothos doesn’t get overwatered.

4. Well-draining soil

One of the great things about Glacier pothos is that they can grow in just about any conditions. However, if you want to ensure your plant has the ideal growing conditions, start with well-drained soil for your pothos that is light and not compact. It also grows best when the soil is rich in organic matter.

glacier pothos
Source: momandplants

Most indoor gardeners use commercially available potting soil to grow their plants in. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, a lot of these soils don’t drain as well as they should. You can, thankfully, improve the quality of the potting soil by simply mixing in equal parts perlite with the soil.

Another option is to mix your own growing medium by combining equal parts perlite and peat moss. Or purchase potting soil designed for succulents, as this type of soil isn’t compact and allows for roots to stretch easily and water to drain properly.

5. Fertilizer every few weeks

The Glacier pothos isn’t a heavy feeder, but you should still give it a balanced liquid fertilizer once every few weeks during its active growing season. An example of this would be a 10-10-10 fertilizer applied at half the dosage once every two weeks in the spring and summer months.

For the best results, avoid low quality fertilizers for your pothos as these tend to leave behind more salt in the soil than fertilizers of higher quality. Excessive salt left behind in the soil can harm all types of plants, including the Glacier pothos.

Make sure to read and follow the instructions and warnings found on the back of the fertilizer bottle you use. In addition, keep the fertilizer out of children’s and pet’s reach as it can be dangerous if they accidently ingest the chemical.

6. Check for pests and diseases

Glacier pothos can come under attack by the same common pests and diseases that attack other houseplants. This includes spider mites, aphids, scales, mealybugs, and root rot. The best defense against these problems is to ensure the Glacier pothos is healthy.

Check the Glacier pothos, making sure to look under the leaves as well as on the tops and stems, regularly for any signs of pests and diseases. Apply insecticidal soap as soon as pests are first spotted, liberally coating the tops and undersides of the leaves. Furthermore, move the Glacier to a room away from other plants to stop the spread.

A lot of indoor gardeners also recommend treating all indoor plants with insecticidal soap, even if they only find insects on one plant. Doing so is more of a preventive measure, helping to ensure that any bugs hidden away on the other plants are killed before they have a chance to infest a new host.

7. Regular pruning

The Glacier pothos isn’t as fast of a grower as the other non-variegated varieties, but it can still grow pretty quickly. Pruning your pothos can help keep it a bit more tame, while also getting rid of damaged or dead foliage. When pruning, make sure to use clean and sharp pruning shears, and do so above a leaf node.

Pruning can also encourage growth, and even give you the ability to shape the plant. If you are pruning healthy stems off the plant, consider turning them into cuttings instead of simply tossing the stems in your compost pile.

glacier pothos
Source: plantlyholic

8. Repotting when needed

There will probably come a time when you have to repot the Glacier pothos. This typically occurs every few years when the plant outgrows its current container. However, the exact time for when you need to repot your pothos will depend on several factors.

Repotting should be done in the spring and early summer when the plant is currently in its active growing season. Repotting at this time means the plant is strong and able to handle the stress that can occur when a plant is uprooted from its home and placed in a new container.

It is also important to select the right container size when you are repotting. Aim for a container that is about 3 or 4 times the size of the old container, but avoid one that is larger than 6 times the size of the old pot. A container that is under 6 times the size will give the plant’s roots enough room to grow, while a larger container makes it difficult for the Glacier pathos to absorb nutrients in the soil.

How often do you water Glacier pothos?

Glacier pothos do not require an abundance of water, and you should wait to water the plant until the top 2 inches of soil feels dry. In most cases, this will occur once a week or once every other week. The frequency, however, of how much you water the plant depends on various factors.

When the weather is warmer, you may notice that you have to water the plant more. A larger and more mature plant will also require more water than a young pothos. Checking the soil for dryness every few days will help ensure you give the Glacier pothos the proper amount of water for that time.

It is better to provide too little water than too much water. That’s not to say you shouldn’t water the Glacier pothos, but it is easier to correct an underwater mistake than it is to correct an overwatering issue. Overwatering is one of the most common ways to kill a pothos.

Find out more: How Often to Water Your Pothos (So It Thrives)

How much light does Glacier pothos need?

Glacier pothos need medium to bright light, but this light does need to be indirect. Direct light on this plant will result in the leaves burning. A good general rule of thumb is to provide the Glacier pothos with 10 to 12 hours of light every day.

A location near a window that is filtered by a sheer curtain where the Glacier pothos can get soft sunlight is ideal. Just make sure that its leaves won’t be subjected to direct light as this will damage the foliage and harm the overall health of the pothos.

Supplemental lighting can also be used if you cannot provide the Glacier pothos with enough sunlight. Grow lights and fluorescent lighting work best to provide the houseplant with supplemental lighting. Just make sure that the light isn’t directly on the pothos as this type of lighting can also burn and damage the plant’s foliage.

glacier pothos
Source: gleaful

How do you propagate Glacier pothos?

To begin, select a stem on the Glacier pothos that is healthy and has a few leaves. Cut the stem off the plant above a leaf node, and then remove the bottom few leaves from the stem. Place the cutting in either water or in a small pot filled with potting soil rich in organic matter. 

If you place the pothos cutting in water, transfer it to a soil-filled pot once the roots reach several inches long.

Propagating Glacier pothos is a wonderful way to increase the number of plants you have. What’s even better is that the entire process is relatively simple and only takes a few moments.

Related: 8 Simple Steps to Propagate Pothos Plants Successfully

What soil does Glacier pothos need?

The best soil for the Glacier pothos is one that is light, airy, well-drained, and filled with organic matter. If you’re in a pinch, traditional potting soil will work fine, though you may want to mix the soil with some coco coir or perlite.

Like other pothos varieties, Glacier can grow in a wide array of soils. Some indoor gardeners have found that using potting soil designed for succulents works wonderfully for Glacier pothos. This is because that soil is made to be light and airy, which allows for good water drainage.

How to fertilize Glacier pothos

Experts recommend using a balanced fertilizer diluted to half its strength to feed the Glacier pothos. You should do this once every week or every two weeks during the plant’s active growing season, which is during the spring and summer months. 

Because this plant is a light feeder, a simple liquid fertilizer such as 5-5-5 works best. Some indoor gardeners have even found luck feeding the Glacier pothos fish emulsions instead of commercially available fertilizers.

How to identify Glacier pothos

One of the most distinctive features of the Glacier pothos is its variegated leaves, with colors of green and white. The Glacier pothos also has leaves that are much smaller than other variegated varieties, and this plant typically only reaches heights of up to 6 to 10 feet when mature. 

This coloring helps distinguish the Glacier from other non-variegated varieties. Similarly, the size of its leaves is the best way to tell the difference between the Glacier pothos and other variegated pothos, such as Jade pothos and Njoy pothos.

leaf to identify glacier pothos vs manjula or njoy
Source: bloom_n_green

In fact, telling the difference between the Glacier pothos vs Njoy pothos in particular is a real source of confusion for many people.

Like other varieties of pothos, however, the Glacier does thrive in warm environments where it can get about 12 hours of sunlight.

Glacier pothos vs Manjula pothos

The main difference between Glacier pothos vs Manjula pothos is the type of variegation on each plant’s leaves. The Glacier pothos, for example, has separate and distinctive colored variegation on its leaves, while the Manjula pothos variegation is more speckled.

The Manjula pothos also has leaves that are rounder and wider than the Glacier, which can be another easy way to distinguish between the two.

Is Glacier pothos rare?

The Glacier pothos isn’t a rare variety and is actually readily available from merchants both online and off. Because it isn’t considered rare, the price for the Glacier is much lower than a variety that is harder to come by. You may even know another indoor gardener who is currently growing a Glacier pothos.

Knowing someone who is growing this pothos variety increases the chance of you obtaining a cutting for free or a fraction of the cost. Because they are not too rare, local gardening clubs may also offer them in a plant swap. Consider reaching out and potentially joining one of your local gardening clubs.

Not only can this help you locate a Glacier pothos, but you can also get to know like minded individuals and even learn more about growing houseplants.

Where to find Glacier pothos for sale

Glacier pothos are readily available at various nurseries, garden centers, and even big box stores, as well as online. In most cases, purchasing from a local nursery is your best option since you can see the plant at the time of purchase, so you know what you’re getting. This also eliminates the added cost of shipping.

If you cannot find a Glacier pothos for sale locally, check out online nurseries or even websites such as Etsy. Keep in mind, however, that purchasing a plant online is usually more expensive than buying local due to shipping costs. That added cost increases the overall price of the plant.

Furthermore, when you purchase a pothos online, you don’t have the added benefit of a visual inspection that you get when buying locally. This means that you may receive a plant that doesn’t look as good as what you expected.

What’s a standard Glacier pothos price?

The standard Glacier pothos price varies depending on the size and age of the plant, as well as where the plant is purchased. Cuttings, for example, can cost $10 and above, while a young and small plant with only a few nodes can cost about $50.

Mature Glacier pothos can go for several hundred dollars or more. For a lot of indoor gardeners, this cost isn’t in their budget. Purchasing a cutting or younger plant does mean it will take longer to reach maturity, but the much smaller price tag typically outweighs the added time for growth.