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If you’ve noticed your plant losing a few leaves, it’s only natural to find yourself frantically wondering whether Monstera leaves grow back or if your plant will forever look a little less lush than before.

Well, rest assured that Monstera leaves definitely grow back – but there’s a little bit more to it than that! In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about keeping your Monstera plants healthy and thriving.

We’ll cover topics such as how to care for them, what kind of light they need, and when is the best time to prune them.

So if you want to learn more about Monstera leaves and how to keep them happy, healthy, and abundant, keep reading!

a monstera leaf growing back after breaking off

Do Monstera leaves grow back?

Yes, your Monstera’s leaves can grow back if it loses a few leaves, especially if the issue that caused this leaf drop is addressed. The plant will usually do this on its own, but you can provide your Monstera with good growing conditions to help it along.

The Monstera plant is a tropical plant, so it needs warm temperatures and high humidity to thrive. If the conditions are right, your plant will produce new leaves in no time!

It’s important to understand why Monstera plants lose leaves in order to help prevent it from happening in the future. The most common reasons for leaf loss are direct sunlight and sunburning, underwatering, a nutrient deficiency, or pests and disease.

They may also stop producing or also potentially lose leaves during dormancy, which is a normal process that all plants go through.

How do I make Monstera grow new leaves?

Although the Monstera plant will naturally re-grow leaves in the right condition (especially when your plant is in one of the Monstera growth stages that sees more leaves produced), there are some things you can do to give it a little boost:

1. Trim your Monstera plant

It may seem counterintuitive, but regularly pruning your Monstera plant can lead to a bushier plant with more leaves. This isn’t necessary for the plant but can help you control its size and shape.

To prune your Monstera, simply cut off any yellow or brown leaves as well as any stems that are longer than you’d like. You can also trim back the roots if they’re getting too long.

Pruning will stimulate new growth, so be sure to do it in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. This will give your plant the best chance to produce new leaves and make sure they come back quickly and vibrantly.

Find out more: 9 Easy Ways to Encourage Monstera to Grow New Leaves Faster

2. Make sure your Monstera plant has enough water

Monstera plants hail from the tropics, so they’re used to getting a lot of rainfall. In their natural habitat, they grow on trees and get most of their moisture from the air and rainwater.

someone watering their plant to make their Monstera grow back new leaves

You can recreate this environment by misting your plant regularly or setting it on a pebble tray filled with water. Just make sure the pot has drainage holes because you risk the possibility of root rot if the plant sits in water for too long.

When it comes to how often to water your Monstera plant, make sure you do so when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Be sure to give it a good drink so that water runs out of the drainage holes. Then, let the top inch of the plant’s soil completely dry out before watering it again.


Best soil for Monsteras

Premium Monstera Potting Soil

Specially designed soil for your Monstera. Light and well-draining, making it perfect for avoiding root rot, while being packed with just the right nutrients to keep your plant happy.

3. Make sure your Monstera plant has enough light

While Monstera plants can tolerate low light, they grow best in bright, indirect sunlight. If your plant isn’t getting enough light, it will start to lose leaves or become leggier with sparse leaves.

If you notice that your plant is losing leaves or looking pale, try moving it to a brighter spot. Just be sure to do it gradually so that the plant can adjust to the new light.

Certain windows in your home may provide the perfect amount of light for your Monstera plant. Opt for windows that are facing north or south since they’ll get bright indirect sunlight for most of the day.

4. Consider using a grow light

You can also use artificial light to supplement the natural light in your home. Grow lights are a great option and can provide your plant with the light it needs to grow new leaves. Monstera plants need a lot of light to grow, so consider using a grow light if you don’t have access to bright, indirect sunlight.

Grow lights come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you’ll need to choose one that’s right for your plant. If you’re not sure which grow light to get, ask a salesperson at your local nursery or garden center to help you find a full spectrum light.

Your Monstera plant will need approximately 8 – 10 hours of light each day. Many grow lights come with timers, so you can automate this process. You can also purchase a separate timer to plug your grow light into.

Find out more: What’s the Best Grow Light for Monstera? (My Top Pick)

5. Don’t burn your Monstera plant’s leaves

Even though Monstera plants need consistent light, they actually don’t do very well in direct light. This is because, in their natural environment, they grow in the understory of the rainforest.

The leaves of this plant are very sensitive to light and you can quickly find yourself with sunburned Monstera leaves if they’re exposed to direct sunlight for too long. If you notice that the leaves are starting to turn brown or look bleached, move your plant to a spot with indirect light.

You can also try using a sheer curtain or blind to filter the sunlight if you can’t move your plant. Just be sure that the fabric is light and thin so that it doesn’t block out all of the light.

a mature monstera growing fewer leaves than before

6. Check your Monstera’s soil and pot regularly

It’s important to check your Monstera plant’s soil and pot regularly to make sure they’re in good condition. The soil should be moist but not soggy, and the pot should have drainage holes to prevent root rot in your Monstera.

If you notice that the soil is dry or the pot is waterlogged, take action to fix the problem. You can add more water to the pot or let it drain if it’s too wet. Just be sure to do it slowly so that you don’t shock the plant.

It’s also a good idea to check the roots of your plant every few months. If they’re starting to look cramped, it’s time to repot your Monstera. Choose a pot that’s about 2 inches larger than the previous pot and replant your Monstera every 2 to 3 years.

7. Regularly fertilize your Monstera plant

Fertilizer, in the form of healthy soil, compost, or an additive, is an important vehicle for nutrients and minerals.

Fertilizing your Monstera plant regularly will help it to grow new leaves and stay healthy. The best time to fertilize your plant is during the growing season, which is typically from spring to fall.


Best fertilizer for Monsteras

Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer

A great fertilizer with the perfect balance for your Monstera. Simply dissolve in water and feed your plant to watch it thrive.

Where does a Monstera grow a new leaf?

When your Monstera plant has lost a leaf or has had one cut off, a new one will start to grow from the closest node from where the cut or break was made. A node is a small, slightly swollen area on the stem where a leaf is attached or where a new leaf or branch will grow.

Because of this, through pruning, you may be able to control where your Monstera plant grows new leaves. By cutting off the stem just above a node, you encourage the plant to put its energy into growing a new leaf at that node.

someone checking that their monstera leaves are growing back

Pruning can also help to control the size and shape of your plant. If you want your Monstera to grow taller, you can cut off the tips of the stems. This will encourage the plant to put its energy into growing new leaves and branches, rather than growing taller. You can even eventually use this method to train your Monstera plant into a vine.

Make sure not to prune more than a third of the plant, though. Pruning too much can stress the plant and make it more susceptible to diseases. Don’t prune too often, either. Once every few months should be plenty.

When you do prune your Monstera, be sure to use sharp, clean scissors or a knife. This will help to prevent infection and disease. Also, try to make clean cuts so that the plant can heal quickly.

Find out more: How Long Do Monsteras Take To Grow (and How to Speed It Up)?

What to do if a Monstera leaf breaks off?

If a Monstera leaf breaks off, don’t worry. Monstera leaves are very tough and can withstand a lot of damage. The plant will simply grow a new one in its place. If a leaf partially breaks off, it may be best to remove it completely so that it doesn’t continue to tear and can promote new healthy growth.

To remove a broken leaf, cut it off at the stem using a clean pair of quality scissors or a sharp knife. Again, this will help to prevent infection and disease.

Why is my Monstera growing fewer leaves?

If you’ve noticed that your Monstera plant has gotten leggy and is growing fewer leaves, it’s probably because it’s not getting enough light. Monsteras need bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. If your plant is in a low-light area, it will start to stretch out and grow fewer leaves.

To fix the problem, move your plant to a brighter spot. You can also try using a grow light to give it the extra light it needs. Just be sure not to put the grow light too close to the plant, as this can cause burns.

Here are some other reasons why your Monstera plant may be sparse with leaves:

1. You just bought it

Don’t worry, it takes time for Monsteras to adjust to their new home and start growing. Just be patient and give it some time. Plants go through a bit of trauma every time they are moved, so it’s normal for them to take a little while to recover and resume growth.

a new monstera growing fewer leaves back than before

2. It’s been in the same pot for a long time

If your Monstera has been in the same pot for more than a year or two, it may be time to re-pot it. Monsters are fast growers and will quickly outgrow their pots in a couple of years if they are healthy.

When transporting your Monstera to its new pot, be sure to handle it carefully so as not to damage the roots. Make sure that the pot is approximately 2 inches larger than the previous container.

3. It’s never been pruned

Pruning a Monstera plant will encourage it to grow new leaves and branches. If your plant has never been pruned, it may be time to give it a trim. While this isn’t necessary, it helps to stimulate a fuller and bushier Monstera plant.

4. It’s not getting enough nutrients

Make sure you’re fertilizing your plant regularly. If not, that could be why it’s not growing as many leaves as it should be. Monsteras need a lot of nutrients to grow, so be sure to give it a balanced fertilizer every month or so. You can also try using a liquid fertilizer for an extra boost.

monstera in a basket

5. It’s in dormancy

Every plant goes through a period of dormancy from time to time. This is when the plant takes a break from growing and focuses on its roots. Dormancy usually happens in the winter, but it can also occur during other times of the year if the plant isn’t getting enough light or nutrients.

What should I do when a Monstera stem breaks?

If a Monstera stem breaks, don’t worry. These stems are very tough and can withstand a lot of damage. The plant will simply grow a new one in its place. If a stem partially breaks off, it may be best to remove it completely so that it doesn’t continue to tear and can promote new healthy growth.

To remove a broken stem, cut it off at the base. This will help to redirect the plant’s energy to its other parts and encourage new growth. It will also help the broken area heal quickly and cleanly.