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Jade Satin pothos is a stunning evergreen plant that is native from Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is grown for its attractive foliage that is shaped like a heart and has a velvet-like texture to it. Not only are these plants easy to grow, but they provide texture and elegance to your indoor garden.

Unfortunately, the Jade Satin pothos is not as readily available as some other popular houseplants, which means it can be a bit difficult to get your hands on. 

If you are lucky enough to find this plant, snatch it up as quickly as possible to add to your plant collection!

Easy Pothos Care Guide 💚

 Want one? Grab your very own Pothos here!

💧 Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Pothos are forgiving and tolerate occasional drying out but don’t let the soil stay soggy.

🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this potting mix. This standard indoor one works great, especially with its added perlite for aeration.

☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is best, but Pothos can adapt to lower light conditions. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

🌡️ Temperature: Pothos thrive in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Keep them away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.

🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.

What is a jade satin pothos?

The Jade Satin pothos is a member of the Scindapsus genius and is often grown as a houseplant in areas where it isn’t hardy. The Scindapsus genius looks extremely similar to the Epipremnum genius, and it can be difficult to tell the two apart.

The Jade Satin pothos has broad and thick heart-shaped leaves that are a deep, rich green color. This green is darker along the plant’s veins, and it can even have a lighter green streaking throughout the foliage. When the light hits the foliage just right, you can see a slight sheen to the leaves.

Is jade satin a pothos or scindapsus?

Despite its common name, the Jade Satin pothos is a scindapsus and not an actual pothos, although both the scindapsus and the pothos are members of the Alum family. Pothos and scindapsus both have the same growing requirements and look extremely similar, which can cause confusion about which plant is which.

Even though the pothos and the scindapsus look very similar in appearance, they are not identical. The easiest way to tell the difference between the two is by the color of the variegation. In most cases, the pothos variegations are yellow, white or green, while the scindapsus variegation is silver in color.

(The Silver Splash pothos and the Silvery Ann pothos, both of which are also actually Scindapsus, are great examples of this.)

While the variegation color is the easiest way to determine whether the plant is a type of pothos or scindapsus, it isn’t the only method. Another difference is that the scindapsus has leaves that are thicker and much more textured than pothos.

How do you care for jade satin pothos?

Jade Satin pothos are a tropical vining plant that needs warm temperatures all year round. They are not frost tolerant and cannot handle cold temperatures. Because of this, the Jade Satin pothos is most often grown as a houseplant.

1. Bright, indirect light

As with other varieties of the Scindapsus plants, the Jade Satin pothos need bright light that is indirect. Direct sunlight is too bright for this plant and will cause the leaves to burn and scorch. On the opposite end of the scale, however, too light sunlight will result in the foliage color fading, as well as impeding on the plant’s growth.

If you start to notice the leaves on the Jade Satin pothos are looking dry, crispy, and brown, it means the plant is getting too much or too bright of light. Immediately move the plant to an area where the light isn’t as bright.

Consider yourself a Pothos pro? Take this quiz and prove it!

Remember that the damaged and discolored leaves will not revert to their original appearance, but new leaves will emerge healthy if the lighting issue is fixed.

2. Adequate water

The Jade Satin pothos does not like soggy soil or soggy roots, so aim to allow for the soil to dry out a bit before watering. The best way to ensure the plant gets the right amount of water is to insert your finger into the top two inches of soil. If the soil feels dry, water the Jade Satin pothos thoroughly.

If, however, the soil feels wet or moist, wait a few days before checking the dryness again. Because root rot is a problem for houseplants like the Jade Satin pothos, it is better to let the soil get a little too dry than it is for it to be soggy.

Whether or not to use tap water, filtered water, or distilled water is a common argument among indoor gardeners. For the most part, you can use any of the three to water the Jade Satin pothos. If, however, you decide to use tap water, let the water sit out for about 24 hours before watering to let the chlorine dissipate.

3. Suitable temperature

Jade Satin pothos need warm temperatures throughout the entire year, and their ideal temps are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Even when the plant is grown indoors, you still need to protect it from any extreme fluctuations in temperature, such as next to exterior doors, drafty windows, or heating and cooling vents.

Extreme temperature fluctuations can cause the plant to go into shock. That is why it is important to protect the Jade Satin scindapsus from these areas.

Some people like to take their Jade Satin pothos outside on warm days. This is fine as long as you continue to follow the plant’s growing requirements, which means keeping it out of direct sunlight. Just remember to bring the Jade Satin back in before temperatures drop below 65 degrees.

4. Right humidity levels

For the Jade Satin pothos, try to maintain a humidity level that is above 50-percent. While this isn’t usually a problem indoors, you will still need to monitor the humidity in the room the Jade Satin is growing in. If the humidity level stays below 50-percent, you can increase it by adding a drip tray or running a humidifier.

A drip tray is easy to make and only requires a shallow tray big enough for the Jade Satin pot to sit on and small pebbles. Fill the shallow tray with the pebbles, and then set the pot on top of the pebble-filled tray. When the excess water drains out of the pot, it will fill the tray and then naturally evaporate into the air around the plant.

Most indoor gardeners find that humidity levels become a problem during the winter when heaters are used, as well as during periods of dry, hot summers. Keep this in mind when growing the Jade Satin pothos.

5. Well draining soil

Jade Satin pothos do not grow well in soggy soils, so it is vital that their growing medium is light and well-drained. Well-draining soil doesn’t mean that it allows all the soil to immediately drain out when water. Instead, it holds enough moisture to properly hydrate the Jade Satin while also allowing for any excess water that is not needed to drain out of the pot.

A soil with an equal amount of potting soil, peat moss, and perlite works well for the Jade Satin pothos, though you can add some horticultural charcoal to the soil to add in drainage.. Furthermore, the Jade Satin scindapsus likes a slightly acidic soil, so try to have a soil pH level of between 6.1 to 6.5. This will help the plant experience its optimal growth.

6. Container with drainage holes

The container the Jade Satin pothos is growing in is just as important as the soil. Even if the plant is growing in well-drained soil, if the pot doesn’t drain properly it will still increase the chance of fungal diseases.

Select a pot that has drainage holes at the bottom and not on the side. Having the holes at the bottom means excess water will drain out. If the holes are at the sides, however, the excess water has to reach a certain point before it begins to drain, which still puts the plant at risk for root rot and other fungal diseases.

7. Avoid disease

Jade Satin pothos usually don’t have much problems with diseases, except for fungal and bacterial diseases that are associated with overwatering. This includes root rot. The good news is that you can prevent these diseases by not overwatering the Jade Satin.

Root rot will cause the plant to experience all sorts of problems, including droopy leaves that can fall from the plant, watery blisters to appear, stunted growth, limp leaves, and rotting roots, stems, and crowns. This disease is often fatal and extremely difficult to treat once it takes hold of the plant.

watering can next to pothos plant

If you have overwatered your Jade Satin pothos once or twice, immediately stop watering until the soil dries out. If, however, you have overwatered multiple times, the Jade Satin will need to be repotted in fresh soil after you have removed all the soggy soil from around its roots.

8. Check for pests

While the Jade Satin pothos doesn’t have many issues with pests, they can occasionally come under attack by common sap-sucking insects, such as scales and spider mites. Thankfully, these pests are typically more of an annoyance than a serious problem.

To get rid of these sap-sucking insects, liberally apply horticultural oil to the underside and topside of the plant’s foliage. In most cases, you will need to reapply the pesticide 7 to 14 days after the initial treatment. However, this timeline can vary depending on the brand used, so make sure to check the application instructions on the bottle.

The best defense against these common pests is to keep the Jade Satin scindapsus healthy and strong. Pests are more likely to attack and harm plants that are unhealthy and weak. Furthermore, regularly check all of your houseplants for any signs of pests, and always quarantine new plants for about a week before growing them next to your current plants.

9. Fertilize occasionally

The Jade Satin pothos isn’t a heavy feeder, but can benefit from a monthly feeding from Spring to Fall. Simply dilute an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer by half strength and then apply to the Jade Satin pothos.

Make sure not to overfeed the plant as this can cause more harm than good. Following the instructions on the back of the fertilizer bottle will help prevent overfeeding. Just remember to dilute the amount by half and only apply during its active growing season, which is from spring to fall.

10. Repotting if needed

The Jade Satin pothos doesn’t require regular repotting since this plant needs about 2 to 3 years before it needs to be planted into a bigger container. Unless it is an emergency, such as root rot, the Jade Satin only needs repotted when it has outgrown its current container.

someone repotting a pothos

The plant will let you know when its time to repot by either their roots growing out of the bottom of the container or the roots starting to peak out of the top of the soil. This occurs because the roots are running out of room.

When it’s time to repot, select a container that is about 2 inches wider than the pot the Jade Satin pothos is currently growing in. Avoid repotting pothos in a container too large as this can cause problems on its own. If possible, wait until the spring when the plant is in its active growing season to repot.

11. Occasional pruning

Jade Satin pothos can grow anywhere from 4 feet to 10 feet long. This vining plant is a climber that can be grown on a trellis, pole, or wall, as well as in a hanging basket. In most cases, you won’t need to prune the plant, and allowing it to get bushy typically looks the best for this evergreen vine.

If, however, you want to control the length of the Jade Satin pothos, you can simply prune it by cutting the plant to the desired length. Make sure to use a sharp pair of pruning shears and cut just above a leaf node.

Another reason to prune the plant is to remove damaged leaves or discolored foliage. In this case, you would prune in the same manner as you would to control the size. Use a pair of sharp shears and cut above the leaf node.

12. Propagating when you want to

Jade Satin pothos are fairly easy to propagate and root. You can even take the cuttings that you have removed from the plant during the pruning process and root them in either water or soil. Just make sure the cuttings you use are healthy and disease free.

While not required, using rooting hormone is also recommended when propagating any plant as it merely helps speed up the rooting process. This product is readily available at various garden centers and online merchants.

It is best to propagate the pothos plant during the spring and summer months, as this is when the Jade Satin scindapsus is actively growing. The plant is more capable of quickly snapping back from the cutting process during this time.

You may also be interested in: 8 Simple Steps to Propagate Pothos Without Leaves

Are jade satin scindapsus rare?

The Jade Satin scindapsus is considered a rare houseplant, with its velvety heart-shaped foliage in a deep green hue. The main difference between the Jade Satin and other scindapsus varieties is that it lacks the silvery variegation, which makes it unique and hard to find.

With that said, however, most varieties in the Scindapsus genus are rarer than the actual pothos plants, which are much more readily available. 

If you’re having trouble locating a Jade Satin scindapsus, consider growing a different Scindapsus variety until you can find the Jade Satin. Or you can grow a real pothos variety, which can help you get accustomed to the growing conditions that both the Scindapsus and the Pothos share.

Where to find a jade satin scindapsus for sale

Just because the Jade Satin scindapsus is rare doesn’t mean it is impossible to find. With that said, however, it can be a little more difficult to find than other less rare varieties. Check with your local plant clubs, as well as with local nurseries and garden centers.

The first place you should always look is with friends and family members who also grow houseplants. They may have a Jade Satin that they can give you a cutting from.

If you still cannot find a Jade Satin scindapsus, consider purchasing the plant or a cutting from various online merchants, such as online plant stores or from an Etsy seller. Just make sure to do your due diligence when purchasing online to ensure the seller is reputable and trustworthy. This may require reading reviews of the seller or store.

Jade satin scindapsus propagation: How to do it

Jade Satin scindapsus is not difficult to propagate, and you can do so with a simple leaf cutting. Just make sure to select a healthy stem and use sharp pruning shears that have been sanitized. Additionally, wait until the spring or summer when the plant is in its active growing period.

Select a stem that is healthy and has several leaves on it. Cut about 3 to 5 inches from the stem, making sure to cut above a leaf node. Remove the leaves on the lower portion to expose the pothos nodes, but make sure to keep a few upper leaves on the stem. Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone and then root the plant in soil or water.

To propagate in water, insert the cut end of the stem into a jar filled with water and place it in an area where it can receive indirect but bright light. To propagate in soil, plant the cut end of the stem in a container filled with well-draining soil and then set the pot in bright, indirect light. Water cuttings should start to root about 2 weeks, while the soil cutting takes a little longer before roots start to form. You can also check out this article about pothos propagation from water to soil if you want to propagate a jade satin pothos.

What are jade satin pothos’ light needs?

Like other varieties in the Scindapsus genus, the Jade Satin pothos needs bright light that is indirect. Direct light will quickly cause the plant’s foliage to burn and wilt. Indirect sunlight allows the plant to get the right amount of light without damaging the leaves.

If you decide to place the plant near a window, make sure that you have a sheer curtain or other covering to diffuse the light. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t keep your plant in low light either. Too little light will also cause problems with the plant, such as stunted or slow growth and loss of leaf color.

The Jade Satin pothos can also be grown under artificial lights, as long as the light is still indirect and bright. Avoid placing grow lights closer than 18 inches above the plant as this can result in the plant’s leaves burning.