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Pothos is a much loved houseplant that has brought joy to just about everyone who grows it. 

One of the draws of this plant is not only its low maintenance, but the fact that Epipremnum pinnatum has several different cultivars available, all with different appearances. The Baltic Blue pothos is one such cultivar that has just recently burst onto the scene.

The Baltic Blue pothos has about the same growing requirements as other pothos varieties, but this one features stunning bluish foliage that can add a bit more color to your indoor garden.

baltic blue pothos
Source: greenplants_clean_life

Easy Pothos Care Guide 💚

 Want one? Grab your very own Pothos here!

💧 Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Pothos are forgiving and tolerate occasional drying out but don’t let the soil stay soggy.

🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this potting mix. This standard indoor one works great, especially with its added perlite for aeration.

☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is best, but Pothos can adapt to lower light conditions. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

🌡️ Temperature: Pothos thrive in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Keep them away from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.

🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.

What is Baltic blue pothos?

Like other pothos, the Baltic Blue pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Baltic Blue’) is a tropical climbing or trailing vine that is native from Northern Australia to Malaysia, as well as throughout Indochina and in the southern portions of Japan, China, and Taiwan. 

In the United States, the Baltic Blue pothos is typically grown indoors as a houseplant.

What color is Baltic blue?

The young Baltic Blue pothos has rich, deep green foliage that starts to have a bluish tint as the plant matures. This blue color is more prominent during the fall and winter months. The Baltic Blue pothos will also develop fenestration, which means it leaves split and has holes.

The Baltic Blue pothos looks extremely similar to other Epipremnum pinnatum, but with the main difference that this pothos variety has stunning foliage with a blue hue.

Is Baltic blue pothos variegated?

The Baltic Blue pothos doesn’t have a variegation, but the potho’s cultivar Albo Variegata does and it looks similar to the Baltic Blue. If your Baltic Blue pothos starts to develop yellow streaks that look like variegation, the plant could be experiencing a fungal disease or nutrient deficiency.

Make sure that you are not overwatering your pothos, as this can lead to various fungal problems that can result in discoloring of the leaves that resemble variegation. Additionally, consider adding fertilizer to the pothos during its active growing season to reduce the chance of nutrient deficiency.

baltic blue pothos

What is the Baltic blue pothos’ origin?

The Baltic Blue pothos is a fairly new cultivar that was just discovered in 2022 by Costa Farms. Experts believe that it occurred due to a mutation of the Epipremnum pinnatum where its once dark green leaves started to turn blue.

Even though it is a new variety, it quickly became a popular choice for anyone who wants to add this new cultivar to their gardens. If you are currently growing other types of pothos then adding the Baltic Blue should be fairly easy since they will share most, if not all, of the same growing requirements.

How do you take care of Baltic blue pothos?

The Baltic Blue pothos isn’t a difficult plant to care for, but it does have a few conditions that will help keep the plant healthy and growing strong. It thrives in bright, indirect sunlight, consistently warm temperatures, and higher humidity levels.

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1. Bright, indirect light

The Baltic Blue pothos grows best when it is in indirect, but bright light. With that said, however, this plant can tolerate low light conditions, though its growth may be a little slow. This plant should never be exposed to direct sunlight as this can cause its leaves to discolor and potentially even lose its bluish tint.

The ideal indoor location for Baltic Blue pothos is about 3 feet away from an east-facing or south-facing window. Diffuse direct light coming in from the window with a sheer curtain or blinds. You can also grow the pothos under artificial lights as long as these lights are also indirect.

2. Consistently warm temperatures

Baltic blue pothos need warm temperatures throughout the entire year. Its ideal temperature is 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything at 55 degrees or below will cause the plant to suffer from stunted growth, shock, and eventually kill the pothos.

In most areas, the Baltic Blue pothos is grown as a houseplant. If, however, you live in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 10 or higher, you can grow the plant outdoors. Even if you live outside these zones, you can still move the potted pothos outside on warm summer days.

Remember to also keep the Baltic Blue pothos away from areas in your home where it could experience extreme and sudden temperature fluctuations. These areas include near draft windows and doors or near heating and cooling vents.

3. Regular waterings

The amount of water the plant will need varies depending on the age and size of the plant, as well as the temperature, humidity level, and time of year. 

Wait until the top 2 inches of the soil feels dry before watering your pothos. When it is time to water, do so using the soak and drain method, which requires slowly pouring water into the pot until the excessive water drains out of the holes at the bottom of the pot.

The type of pot you choose for your Baltic Blue will also affect how often it needs watered. Plastic pots typically hold in more moisture, which means less watering. Terracotta and clay pots, on the other hand, are a porous material that absorbs water, which results in you having to water the pothos more often.

Some gardeners prefer to give their plants distilled, spring, or rain water, while others find nothing wrong in using tap water. If you do decide to use tap water, consider allowing the water to sit for 24 hours before using it to water the pothos. This will give the chlorine that is added to tap water enough time to dissipate.

4. Well draining soil

The best soil for the Baltic Blue pothos is one that is rich in nutrients and drains well. The ideal soil will allow for water to drain quickly while also retaining moisture. A good general soil mixture recipe for pothos includes equal parts potting soil, pumice or perlite, and orchid bark.

While you can find a wide array of commercially available soil that works well for Baltic Blue pothos, consider making your own with the three ingredients listed above. You can also add some organic compost to help improve the soil’s nutrient content.

5. Mid to high humidity levels

While they are not too picky about the humidity level, they do perform their best when grown at humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent. This level of moist air helps to encourage large leaves and faster growth.

Using a drip tray is usually the go-to method for increasing your pothos’ humidity in the area around the plant. Drip trays are shallow containers filled with pebbles and you set the potted plant on top. When you water the plant, the excess water drains out of the pot and into the drip tray.

The water inside the drip tray will naturally evaporate into the air, increasing the humidity level around the pothos. Another option is to use a humidifier.

6. Occasional fertilizing

Feed the Baltic Blue pothos once a month from spring until fall. This is the plant’s active growing period. Use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer diluted to half its strength.

Remember not to fertilize your pothos during the winter since this is its dormancy period and you don’t want to encourage growth during this time. Furthermore, never apply more than the recommended dosage and make sure to follow the application directions and warnings listed on the fertilizer bottle.

7. Pruning from time to time

The Baltic Blue pothos is known for its fast growth rate, which means you may have to prune it more often than your other houseplants to help control its size and shape. Another thing to remember is that this plant can sometimes get leggy, and so pruning your pothos will help decrease the legginess and encourage the growth of foliage.

Always use a clean and sharp pair of pruning shears when pruning any plant. Additionally, don’t forget to clean and sanitize the shears after each use. This helps to prevent the spread of diseases from one plant to the next.

8. Repotting when needed

Every two to three years, the Baltic Blue pothos may need to be repotted if it outgrows its pot. While this plant doesn’t necessarily mind being a little root bound, too little space for its roots will cause slow growth and poor health. A tell-tale sign that your pothos needs repotted is seeing roots growing out of the drainage holes.

When it is time to repot, do so in a container that is about 2 inches wider than the current pot. If possible, wait until the plant’s active growing season before repotting.

Repotting a pothos plant is sometimes a necessary part of the growing process, but it can also take its toll on the plant. Waiting until it’s actively growing helps to increase the chance that the Baltic Blue pothos will snap back quickly.

baltic blue pothos climbing a pole
Source: abipolargardener

9. Keep an eye on it for maintenance

Giving your pothos a shower every month to month and a half will help wash away the dust that can naturally collect on the plant’s leaves. Regular showers can also help knock off sap-sucking insects, such as spider mites, and can even rinse away excessive minerals and salts that may have accumulated in the soil. 

Simply allow the plant to sit under the shower for several minutes before allowing the water to drain out of the pot. 

Is Baltic blue rare?

The Baltic Blue pothos is not considered a rare plant, and can actually be purchased at just about any location that carries the Costa Farms plants. If you’re unable to find a local nursery or garden center that sells the Baltic Blue pothos, the plant can be ordered directly from the Costa Farms website.

Even though this plant is fairly new, it has quickly become available in a wide array of stores. While it is almost always the best option to purchase plants locally, you can also buy it online from the company that developed this variety, as well as from others who have propagated their Baltic Blue pothos via the cutting method.

Where to find a Baltic blue pothos for sale

The first place to look when wanting to buy a Baltic Blue pothos is locally. Several big box stores, such as Walmart, may carry them in their garden center and even your local nursery may stock them in the near future. They can also be ordered online from Etsy or the Costa Farms website.

You can also buy one at this link here.

Keep in mind that if you order the plant online, you may have to pay for shipping, which can greatly increase the overall price of the pothos. 

If your local stores don’t have the Baltic Blue pothos in stock, and you don’t want to order it online, ask your local garden center if they could order it for you. Sometimes they can order extra items for customers when they place their regular order and you may not even have to pay for shipping.

How to propagate Baltic blue pothos

Propagating Baltic Blue pothos is done via stem cuttings, which requires cutting a 3 to 5 inch stem from the plant. Make sure the stem has a few leaf nodes, and then remove the bottom leaves. Root the cutting in either water or soil and, after about 4 weeks, roots should begin to form.

If you’re rooting the pothos cutting in soil, simply place the cutting in an area where it will receive bright, indirect light and then care for the young plant as you would its parent plant. If, however, you are rooting the cutting in water, you will have to change the water once every 7 days.

If you would like to speed up the rooting process, consider dipping the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone. If you are rooting the cutting in water, you will need to plant it in the soil once the roots are a few inches long.

You may also be interested in: 8 Simple Steps to Propagate Pothos Plants Successfully

Does Baltic blue climb?

Baltic Blue pothos is a natural climbing or vining plant, which means you can grow it up a trellis, wall, or pole, with many people choosing to use a moss pole for this purpose. However, it also grows well when trailing from a hanging basket or a planter. 

If you decide to have a Baltic Blue pothos climbing a wall or other structure, remember that this can result in smaller leaves than if you grew the plant in a basket or planter.

You can take a look at our article on how to train your pothos to climb to ensure your plant thrives as it moves on up.

Does Baltic blue pothos grow fast?

The Baltic Blue pothos is a relatively fast growing plant, especially if you compare it with variegated varieties. Variegated varieties are slow-growing because the white or light colored portions of the plant have less chlorophyll. Pothos with no variegation, such as the Baltic Blue pothos, grow much faster because they are entirely green or green-colored.

Because the Baltic Blue pothos is a fast grower, you may have to prune this plant more than some other pothos varieties. Pruning helps to maintain the size of the plant so that it fits with the dimensions in its growing space.

When pruning the plant, any healthy stem that is removed can be utilized as a cutting. After all, why toss away a perfectly good piece of your Baltic Blue pothos when you could turn it into its very own plant.

Find out more: How Fast Does Pothos Grow (and How to Make it Grow Faster)?

How big does a Baltic blue pothos get?

Baltic Blue pothos can grow 4 to 6 feet tall as long as they are given their ideal growing conditions. Not giving the plant the care that it needs takes its toll on the overall health of the plant, which will directly affect how big the plant can get.

Pruning the Baltic Blue pothos helps to control the size of this tropical houseplant. Before you start pruning, determine the height you want the pothos to be, then snip off the stems at the desired height. Make sure to snip the stem just above a leaf node.

If your Baltic Blue pothos isn’t growing as you would like, take a good look at the current care the plant is getting. If you are not providing the plant with its ideal growing conditions, then you are working against its growth. If, however, you have been providing the pothos with everything it needs to be healthy, you should consider applying some fertilizer to help encourage growth.

Are Baltic blue pothos toxic to cats?

All pothos are listed as toxic to cats, as well as dogs and even humans. Pothos contain the toxic element calcium oxalate crystals, which, when ingested, can cause the mouth and throat to swell, as well as excessive drooling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and nausea.

Because it poses a risk, it’s best to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets. If you’re not sure you can keep your little ones and furry friends away from the pothos, you may want to consider a safer and non-toxic houseplant species.

If you suspect your cat has consumed any part of the Baltic Blue pothos, immediately seek medical treatment or contact poison control. While most cats will recover, extreme situations could pose a serious and potentially deadly threat to your cat’s life.

Related: Are Pothos Toxic to Dogs (and What to Do If Your Pet Eats One)?

Why is my Baltic blue pothos not fenestrating?

The leaves of the Baltic Blue pothos will start to split once the plant reaches maturity. If your plant has no fenestration, it could be because it is still too young. If you know your plant has already reached maturity and it is still not producing split leaves, you may want to give the plant something to climb.

Experts recommend allowing the Baltic Blue pothos to climb on a moss pole to help encourage large leaf splits. If you cannot or do not want the Baltic Blue pothos trailing, then the plant may not develop the fenestration, or if it does, there won’t be large splits.

Remember that the Baltic Blue pothos doesn’t have to develop fenestration in order to be a healthy and attractive plant. Just because the leaves are not split doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with the plant.

Why are my Baltic blue pothos leaves turning yellow?

There are several reasons as to why your Baltic Blue pothos leaves are turning yellow, but the most common cause is either overwatering or poor soil. Both of these can cause discolored leaves, which are often the first sign that root rot is developing, which can be fatal for your plant.

Making sure the pothos is growing in soil that drains well, as well as in a pot that has drainage holes at the bottom is the first step to preventing yellowing leaves on your pothos

Additionally, only water the plant when the top two inches of soil are dry. This will go a long way to preventing overwatering, while also protecting the Baltic Blue pothos from fungal diseases, such as root rot in your pothos, that could potentially kill the plant.

Why does my Baltic blue pothos have brown spots?

Brown spots appearing on your Baltic Blue pothos are a sure sign that the plant is not getting enough water or humidity. Other signs that may accompany the brown spots are crispy and curled leaves, extremely dry soil, and wilting.

Thankfully, you can typically correct the problem by watering the plant deeply whenever the top 2 inches of soil is dry and increasing the humidity levels. Setting the plant on a drip tray is a quick and easy way to increase humidity naturally.

Brown spots on pothos can also be caused by a bacterial or fungal disease, though this isn’t as common of a problem as inadequate watering or humidity levels. If the spots are only on a few leaves, you can help reduce the spread of the disease by simply cutting off the infected leaves. If, however, the majority of the plant is covered in these spots, the only course of action is to discard the plant.