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Fiddle leaf fig plants are native to the rainforests of western Africa, where they enjoy a warm, humid environment. They prefer the same conditions when grown inside your home. 

That is, when it comes to the ideal fiddle leaf fig temperature, they thrive in conditions that are as close as possible to their natural rainforest environment. 

Although they grow rapidly when their needs are met, they can be finicky, too. Maintaining a consistent temperature for your fiddle leaf fig plants is vital as they often react to temperature changes by dropping their leaves.

Keep reading to find out how to set up your home to meet your fiddle leaf fig’s temperature needs.

fiddle leaf fig in its ideal temperature next to a window

Quick Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide 💚

Want one? Grab a smaller Fiddle Leaf Fig here or your very own indoor Fiddle tree here!

💧 Water: Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry. Avoid leaving it in standing water to prevent root rot.

🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix designed for indoor plants - I personally use this tropical potting mix. A mix with peat, perlite, or coco coir is great for avoiding soggy roots.

☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is ideal. Too little light can cause leaf drop, while direct sun may scorch the leaves.

🌡️ Temperature: Keep it between 60-75°F (15-24°C) and away from drafts or heat sources.

🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month in spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter when growth slows.

What temperature do fiddle leaf figs like?

Fiddle leaf fig trees prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees. However, consistency is more important than the exact temperature. Fiddle leaf figs will drop their leaves if the temperature in their location drops or rises more than a few degrees.

Likewise, they are sensitive to either hot or cold drafts. Grow your fiddle leaf fig in a location away from heating or AC vents or drafts from doors and windows. It is best to keep nearby windows closed, even in the summertime, to avoid drafts that may cause leaf drop in your fiddle leaf fig.

How cold is too cold for a fiddle leaf fig?

Temperatures that drop below 55F are likely to affect your fiddle leaf fig plant. While some sources claim that it can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees, it is best to maintain a consistent room temperature between 65 and 75 degrees.

Fiddle leaf fig plants can be finicky and don’t like changes. This applies to moving the plant as well as to changes in the environment. While the temperatures in your home are likely suitable for your fiddle leaf fig plant, don’t grow it in a cold room or in a room where you turn the thermostat down at night.

Likewise, protecting your fiddle leaf fig from cold drafts from leaky windows and doors is vital. If your fiddle leaf fig leaves are drooping, this could be the reason why.

Can a fiddle leaf fig survive outside in winter?

If you live somewhere that gets colder than 55F at night, your fiddle leaf fig may not survive outside in winter. Instead, bring it inside until temperatures start to warm up again. This is because they are tropical plants that prefer warmer, humid conditions.

In particular, you should bring your outdoor fiddle leaf fig inside if your area is prone to cold snaps or other sudden drops in temperature. The fiddle leaf fig can be finicky, although a gradual reduction in temperature to around 55F probably won’t kill it.

However, if the temperature plunges overnight and your plant hasn’t had time to get used to this, things may not end well. So save yourself the trouble and bring it inside until spring rolls around.

Consider yourself a Fiddle Leaf Fig pro? Take this quiz and prove it!

fiddle leaf fig outdoor in the cold

Can fiddle leaf figs handle frost?

Fiddle leaf figs don’t handle frost well. While they prefer a warmer, more humid environment, which they’re more likely to find inside your home, they can, to some extent, tolerate cooler outdoor temperatures. However, if your area gets frost, it’s best to bring your fiddle leaf fig inside to avoid damaging it.

That is, the fiddle leaf fig is known for its glossy, deep green leaves. Frost can weaken its foliage, which is bad not only for your plant’s overall health but can also take away from the striking look that this plant is so known for.

Frost is also a good indication that the temperature has plunged below the 55 degree mark, which is the lower limit that the fiddle leaf fig can generally tolerate. This means that by the time the frost hits, you’re way below your fiddle leaf fig’s ideal temperature, so it’s more than likely time to bring it inside.

What temperature is too high for a fiddle leaf fig?

Your fiddle leaf fig does not like it when temperatures rise above 75 degrees but generally tolerates temperatures as high as 80 degrees. Keep in mind that a sudden temperature rise may cause leaf drop in your fiddle leaf fig, even at lower temperatures.

If your household usually is 65 degrees, a sudden rise to 75 degrees may cause your fiddle leaf fig tree to react by dropping leaves. The key to keeping your fiddle leaf fig happy is maintaining a consistent temperature within the range of 65 to 75 degrees.

Watch out for sudden rises in temperature in the summer when the light from the window may raise the room temperature significantly in the afternoon. Fiddle leaf figs can get sunburned too, so keep an eye on the strength of the sun your plant is getting at different times of the day.

fiddle leaf fig next to a window

Are fiddle leaf figs heat-sensitive?

Fiddle leaf fig trees are sensitive to high temperatures as well as sudden temperature changes. It is best to grow your fiddle leaf fig plant in a location where the temperature is stable. Avoid growing your fiddle leaf fig plant near heating vents that can give them a burst of hot air throughout the day during the winter.

Your fiddle leaf fig plant is susceptible to excess heat from windows that receive the direct afternoon sun in the summer. Check that the temperature does not rise more than a few degrees around your fiddle leaf fig plant and that the sunlight isn’t too strong, as too much sun may be well beyond your fiddle leaf fig’s light needs.

Signs your fiddle leaf fig’s temperature isn’t right

Fiddle leaf figs react to temperature fluctuations by dropping their leaves. This can happen when the temperature drops too low or rises too high. They prefer consistent room temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees.

Of course, leaf drop can be caused by other environmental conditions and isn’t specific to temperature changes. If you maintain consistent temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees and protect your fiddle leaf fig from hot or cold drafts, the cause of leaf drop is likely from other things.