The Calathea Beauty Star is arguably one of the prettiest Calathea varieties available. It produces long, lance-shaped leaves that feature a pinstripe-like pattern in hues of pink, silver, and white.
As an added bonus, the velvety leaves of this plant fold up at night, or during periods of low light, which has earned this plant the nickname ‘prayer plant’.
This tropical houseplant is a wonderful choice for anyone wanting to expand their indoor garden with a striking plant.
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Easy Calathea Care Guide 💚
⭐ Want one? This green and pink Calathea Makoyana is stunning, while this deep purple Calathea Dottie makes an incredible statement piece in your home.
💧 Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Calatheas love consistent moisture but don’t let the soil get soggy or waterlogged. Use filtered or distilled water to avoid leaf browning.
🌱 Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix - I personally use this potting mix. A mix with peat or perlite, like this one, works well to retain the right amount of moisture.
☀️ Light: Bright, indirect light is best. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch their delicate leaves, and low light, which may slow their growth.
🌡️ Temperature: Keep your Calathea in a room between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Protect it from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.
🌿 Fertilizer: Feed with a diluted, balanced fertilizer (my top pick is this Miracle-Gro one) once a month during spring and summer. Skip feeding in fall and winter.
How do you care for a calathea beauty star?
The Calathea Beauty Star is a sun-loving plant that grows best when it receives at least 8 to 10 hours of bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate a little less light, you should never expose the plant to excessive shade.
On the flip side of the coin, keep the Calathea Beauty Star out of direct light as this type of lighting is too harsh for its leaves and can cause them to fade or burn.
As with other Calathea varieties, the Beauty Star will also need temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees all throughout the year. Never keep the plant at temps that are higher or lower than this range for an extended period of time.
Calathea Beauty Star also prefers humidity levels of at least 60-percent, but the higher the better for this tropical plant.
Expect to water the Calathea Beauty Star about once every 7 to 10 days during the spring and summer months, and then reduce the watering to once or twice a month during the fall and winter.
When the plant is actively growing, you can feed it a balanced liquid fertilizer once every 2 to 4 weeks.
Best fertilizer for Calatheas
Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 All Purpose Fertilizer
A great fertilizer with the perfect balance for your calathea. Simply dissolve in water and feed your plant to watch it thrive.
Is calathea beauty star rare?
Calathea Beauty Star is a rare variety of the Calathea ornata, which means this plant is not as easy to get your hands on as other cultivars. It does, however, require about the same level of care as every other Calathea.
That means bright, indirect light, warm temperatures, high humidity levels, and regular watering.
What’s a standard calathea beauty star price?
Because it is considered a rare variety, the price of the Calathea Beauty Star is typically higher than ones that are readily available. In fact, a small starter plant can have a price tag of over $20.
Consider yourself a Calathea pro? Take this quiz and prove it!
If you want a bigger plant that is a bit more established, the price can quickly jump to $80 or more.
Those prices do not include shipping, which could potentially be an added cost if you purchase the Calathea Beauty Star online. Since this plant is rare, purchasing it locally may not be an option for you.
In this case, buying the Calathea online could potentially be your only option.
With that said, however, you should consider reaching out to local gardening clubs to see if anyone has a Calathea Beauty Star they want to part with. While you may not be able to get a full plant, you may have the opportunity to get a starter plant from another gardener who is currently growing the Calathea Beauty Star,
How big does calathea beauty star grow?
The Calathea Beauty Star grows anywhere from 6 to 36 inches tall with a width of 6 to 26 inches wide. This plant gets wider thanks to the offshoots, or baby Calatheas, that it produces at the base of its main trunk.
The exact size of the Calathea Beauty Star can vary depending on how well you care for it. If you neglect the plant, its growth rate will suffer and you will have a difficult time getting this plant to grow more than a few inches.
Giving the Calathea Beauty Star its ideal environment is the best way to achieve the plant’s maximum growth rate.
Because this plant doesn’t get too big, its growth usually won’t get out of hand. In fact, it’s smaller stature makes it a great choice for areas with limited room. Calathea Beauty Star could even make a great desk plant in your home office or work cubicle.
Is calathea beauty star toxic?
As with other Calathea varieties, the Calathea Beauty Star is non-toxic, which means you can safely grow this plant inside, even if you have small children and pets. With that said, however, this plant may still cause gastrointestinal issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea, if it is consumed.
This isn’t because the plant is toxic, but because consuming anything that isn’t a natural part of someone or something’s diet can still cause an upset stomach.
Thankfully, any symptoms typically last 24 to 48 hours and are usually just unpleasant and not life threatening at all.
Despite its non-toxic status, you should still keep the Calathea Beauty Star away from children and pets who could potentially damage the plant.
Related: Is Calathea Toxic to Cats, Dogs or Humans?
What is the difference between calathea white star and beauty star?
While the Calathea White Star and the Calathea Beauty Star both feature a stunning pinstripe-like pattern, the Beauty Star produces leaves that are thinner and longer than the Calathea White Star. Additionally, Beauty Star strips are usually pinker in color than the White Star.
Both the Calathea White Star and the Calathea Beauty Star require the same growing conditions to thrive, and both of these plants make an excellent addition to a tropical garden.
What’s the difference between calathea beauty star vs ornata
Calathea Beauty Star is a cultivar of Calathea ornata that produces green foliage with stripes in various hues of pink, silver, and white. The leaves of the Beauty Star are a bit thinner and longer than the Calathea ornata, and each leaf features a deep purple underside.
Another difference between the Calathea Beauty Star and the Calathea Ornata is that the Ornata leaves have a reddish maroon color underneath, while the underside of the Calathea Beauty Star’s leaves are more purple in color.
Does the calathea beauty star flower?
The Calathea Beauty Star does flower when it is grown in its native habitat. The white blooms it produces in the summer are not nearly as showy as this plant’s leaves. In most cases, however, the Calathea Beauty Star won’t bloom when grown indoors.
This means you don’t have anything to worry about if your Calathea Beauty Star isn’t flowering. It ‘s fairly rare to see this Calathea flower when cultivated as a houseplant.
If you want a Calathea variety that is more likely to flower indoors, consider the Calathea crocata, which produces orange blooms even when grown as a houseplant.
Why are my calathea beauty star’s leaves curling?
Leaf curling in your Calathea Beauty Star is a symptom of too little water, which can occur if you’re not properly hydrating the plant or the environment is too dry. Implementing a good water schedule and keeping an eye on the humidity levels will go a long way to preventing leaf curling.
Leaf curl can also occur if you are watering the Calathea Beauty Star with tap water, since this plant is sensitive to this type of water.
Tap water is filled with salts, minerals, fluoride, and even chlorine, and all of these can damage houseplants. Using distilled water whenever you water or mist the plant will prevent this from happening.
You may also be interested in: 6 Causes of Your Calathea Leaves Curling (+ How to Fix It)
Why are my calathea beauty star’s leaves turning yellow?
Overwatering is by far the most common reason why your Calathea Beauty Star has yellow leaves. This plant is sensitive to the moisture levels of its soil, and if it receives too much water, it will interfere with its ability to absorb nutrients.
Additionally, overwatering leads to fungal growth and root rot, both of which can severely damage and even kill the Calathea Beauty Star.
Making sure to only water the plant when the top inch or two of soil is dry is the best defense against overwatering. This can be done by inserting your finger into the soil and then watering only when it feels dry.
Best soil for Calathea
Miracle-Gro Tropical Potting Mix
Light and well-draining (perfect for avoiding root rot) while being packed with just the right nutrients – that will feed your plant for up to six months. The best soil for keeping your calathea healthy and strong.
(In fact, you really should perform this step every time you want to water the Calathea Beauty Star.)
Find out more about: 11 Causes of Yellow Leaves on Calathea (+ How to Fix It)
Why are my calathea beauty star’s leaves turning brown?
Leaves turning brown are usually the result of underwatering, low humidity levels, an environment that is too dry, or a combination of the three. Making sure you water the Calathea Beauty Star whenever its soil feels dry is the first step to preventing brown leaves.
You will also need to increase the humidity levels around the Calathea Beauty Star. Most homes maintain a humidity level that is around 40-percent, but Calathea needs levels that are at least 60-percent.
A humidifier will quickly introduce moisture into the air and prevent the plant’s leaves from turning brown.
The next option is to mist the Calathea Beauty Star’s leaves with water, which is especially important when the environment is drier than normal. Misting the leaves adds some water into the air, which increases the humidity level and helps keep the plant hydrated.
Should I mist the calathea beauty star?
Misting the Calathea Beauty Star is a great way to keep the plant’s leaves moist and supple, while also increasing the humidity level around the plant. This is especially important whenever the environment is too dry for this moisture-loving plant’s liking.
Just avoid overmisting the plant to the point that the soil is staying soggy and the leaves won’t dry.
What type of water is best for the calathea beauty star?
Like other Calathea’s the Beauty Star is sensitive to tap water, thanks to all the additional items that cities usually add to the water. Excessive minerals, salts, chlorine, and fluoride are all found in tap water, and all of these can cause issues with the Calathea Beauty Star.
Because of this, it’s best to only use distilled water whenever you water calathea or mist the Calathea. Even if you have used tap water in the past without any issues, it may still be hurting the plant without you even realizing it.
That’s why it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid tap water all together.
How often do I need to prune the calathea beauty star?
Calathea Beauty Star does not require extensive pruning. In fact, pruning is typically reserved for removing dead or dying leaves. Most people don’t have an issue with the plant’s size, but if you feel the Calathea Beauty Star is too big for a space, you can prune the leaves to reduce its size and shape.
When you do prune, always use a clean, sharp pair of pruning shears and never remove more than 1/4 of the plant’s foliage at a single time.
If the plant is healthy and disease- or insect-free, compost the removed leaves. Or you can simply toss them in the trash.
Never let the removed leaves lie on the surface of the soil underneath the plant. In fact, you should regularly pick up and discard any leaves that fall off the plant. Leaf litter acts as an open invitation for pests to come on down and attack the Calathea Beauty Star.
Related: 9 Proven Steps to Treat a Calathea With Spider Mites
What problems does the calathea beauty star have?
The most common issues that occur with the Calathea Beauty star are directly related to improper care. In fact, the most common issue facing Calatheas of all types is overwatering. Overwatering can occur when you give the plant too much water, grow the plant in the wrong type of soil, or a combination of the two.
To make matters worse, overwatering is the number one cause of calathea root rot, which is a serious and potentially deadly disease that can infect and kill Calathea Beauty Star in as little as 10 days after becoming infected.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, root rot is extremely difficult to treat and most gardeners are forced to discard infected plants.
It isn’t all doom and gloom, however, since overwatering is 100-percent preventable. Simply check to ensure the soil is dry before watering and only grow the Calathea Beauty Star in soil that is light, airy, and well-draining.
If you accidently overwater the plant, be proactive and stop all watering until the soil has a chance to dry out.